Introducing, another Dimension

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The United States was furious about the attack. After analyzing the aftermath of the battle, it was determined that an elite force of soldiers or mercenaries snuck into the base and destroyed the satellite. There were also some other things that were uncovered.

One thing that U.S. officials discovered was that the base was only littered with American-based cartridges. There were no other foreign empty bullet cases. Another thing, is the wounds inflicted on the American soldiers show plasma burns. This wasn't believed until they discovered that all the bodies had similar marks.

The news eventually reached the number #1 hero of the United States; Star and Stripe. Who was utterly pissed about the attack. Evidently, one of her good friends was at the base and was killed. When she tried to leave to start searching for the culprits, she had to be told several times to stay put. She asked to see the body and was warned about its state. When she saw it, it was horrifying. Someone had stabbed him many times in the gut, then skinned his arm, and finally, slit his stomach and used his own intestines to chock him to death.

But then they found something interesting, it was a soldier dressed in a hazmat suit that they had never seen before, his body was lacerated and evidence showed it was a grenade. His hands were blown off. And his lower legs were gone, but he was still alive. He was found next to the body of the mutilated soldier. Believing that he was involved in the attack, he was patched up and sent somewhere for questioning.

This HC soldier now finds himself in a chair stuck in a concrete room and across a table was a military officer and Star and Stripe up against the wall in the corner. The HC slowly wakes up and examines his body. Seeing that his hands were gone and everything below his knees was gone as well, he simply sighed as he looks up toward the two.

"Well, you're finally awake." The officer said as he stared down the HC. "I would have assumed that your attack would have been another terrorist attack," He started, "But your attack was coordinated, and you also used some advanced technology." He said as he pulled out an AR2 from under the table and placed it. "I believe this is yours," The HC's eyes dashed towards the AR2 before looking at the large woman to the officer's left, "This weapon of yours is quite the technological achievement. But that isn't what I came for." The officer pulled out a folder and took out some pictures and slid them over to the HC. "These, pods, are yours, right?" The HC looked at the pictures before answering, "Yes..." The officer then looked over to Star and Stripe and they both nodded. "Who are you?" He said. The room turned silent as the HC pondered in his mind before answering, "My name is Brant, Brant Curtis." He answered before going silent. "Alright, Curtis, tell me, what was your reason for attacking one of our bases?" The HC went back to pondering before talking, "You shot down one of our satellites," Curtis started, "In fear that you would steal our technology, and gain intelligence, we were sent to destroy the satellite. Without bloodshed, we would have done it, but our drop pods didn't allow stealth." The officer cups his hands together and says, "So, you're special forces? But from what country?" Curtis stared at the officer and gave an answer, "I cannot say." He stated before going silent once again. But in the corner of the room, Star and Stripe was beginning to get irritated and angrily rushed over and grabbed Curtis by the collar. "How can you sit here when you have so many dead people on your name!?" She yelled, clearly angry, the officer yells at her to calm down, but she refuses. "I have killed hundreds of people," Curtis calmly stated, "But I do it because I am simply following the orders that were given to me." Star and Stripe simply stared in disgust and shock and decides to ask a question. "Just how many innocent people have you killed?" The HC went silent before saying, "193 civilians are on my count. And 294 armed combatants." Star and Stripe went to punch him but stops when the officer ordered her to stand down.

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