Extra testing

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Naosoma is currently driving back to the police HQ to fill out a report on the performance of the Admins. He had to admit it, they were quite skilled. They did their job well. They also took action very quickly. Even deploying those metal girls, whatever they were called. He's also going to have to include in the report the body that was mutilated. Altogether, he will have a tough time putting together this report. 

He pulls up to the HQ and stops the car. He sighs as he turns the engine off and gets out of his vehicle. After locking his car, Naosoma walks into the building and into his office. He then sits on his chair and begins the report. 



A few hours later, he delivers his report to the HPSC. "So," The HPSC President asked, "How did they do?" Naosomoa looked at his paper and said, "Where do I even begin."  He explains everything. How they first entered. Then how they apprehended the criminals. How three Admins were sent tumbling down a flight of stairs because of a barrel. How an Admin smacked a criminal after being captured, then he moved on to the turret girls. Naosoma then explained how the turrets dealt with the remaining criminals. Leaving everyone in utter shock at the brutality of their methods.  

This time, they'll deploy the same unit in a few days against heroes who will act as villains. The Admins know that they are going to have several issues dealing with the heroes. So they secretly place an order for more units and some specialized units. The day before the training exercise, 5 more squads of Admins show up. One team included Admins cannons. The extra units requested are to remain nearby to rush in and help the original two teams just in case. In the early morning, the two teams are transported to U.A. High school and sent to one of the city training facilities.

They stop at the entrance to one known as Gamma and hop out, in front of them they see Naosama, the HPSC President, and some members of the government. "Well, good to see you again, Naosama." The ASL greeted, "Ah, good to see you too, um..." The ASL looked confused until he realized. "Oh, I apologize, my name is Bren. Admin Bren." After the pleasantries were over, Naosama asked where the other ASL had gone,  to which Bren explained that he was called back to file a report. A government official jots something down on a piece of paper, but Bren pays no mind to it. "If you're ready, then we can start the test." The HPSC President said, "In there, some of our top heroes are acting as villains. We have some staff members as well, acting as hostages. Your job is to find them, arrest the villains and save the hostages, got it?" Bren nodded as he walked back to the lead APC and hopped aboard. "Let the training, begin!" A voice on the loudspeaker said, immediately after, both APCs rush into facility Gamma and drive towards the building with the villains. Inside the building, there was All Might, Endeavor who wasn't enjoying his time here, Midnight, Cementoss, and some HPSC staff members. "I can't believe that they convinced me to do this!" Endeavor yelled, All Might simply looked at him and said, "We still have time until they get here, try to get comfortable Endeavor." He said with a grin on his face. But just then, the APCs pull up outside. "Said we would have time until they get here, All Might!" Endeavor yelled as All Might told him to get ready to play their parts. The Admins get out of their APCs and deploy the CTGs again. They quickly surround the building and approach the door. They try the same tactic again, but this time they toss in some smoke and tear gas grenades. All Might and Endeavor jump and or fly to the ceiling to avoid the mess. Leaving the poor staff members down below to choke on the gas and smoke. "What kind of tactic is this!?" Endeavor yelled and as a response, one of the Admins yelled, "If you want, we could throw some incendiary or fragmentation grenades if you want!" Making Endeavor shut up quickly. The CTGs move in quickly as well as the Admins and quickly secure the hostages and make their way outside. The smoke and tear gas clear and the hostages are gone. All Might and Endeavor are surprised as they make their way back to the floor and look outside the window to see that the hostages are now in the Admin's possession. "HEY!" One of the hostages yelled, "WHY DID YOU THROW TEAR GAS IN THERE!?" In response, the Admins considered the idea of throwing him back into the building and some Nerve gas. But the man quickly protested the idea. 'They use nerve gas?' He thought as he watched Bren get on top of one of the APCs and grab a megaphone, "Listen up!" He started, "We have the building surrounded, in the next 30 seconds, we are going to fire nerve gas canisters. If you cherish your life, come out with your hands up!" The HPSC President, Naosama, members of the government, and All Might as well as Endeavor, are at a loss for words. "They can't use Nerve gas!" Endeavor said. "Let's hope that they're bluffing about nerve gas. Or we'll be in some serious trouble." Endeavor decides to fire a jet burn at one of the APCs. But he burns a hole straight through it as one of the Admins next to it falls to his knees and yells, "MY BABY!!" As the APC catches fire.




"GO! GO! GO!"


The APC explodes as rockets fly all over the place and hit several of the buildings. The Nerve gas canisters inside release their deadly payload and leak out from the hull of the APC. An Admin whose mask was blown to smithereens gets caught in the gas and falls to the ground. After a few seconds, the iconic death sound of Combine police is played as the Admin ragdolls. The tear gas then magically dissipates. "Yeah, we got a man down at Training Facility Gamma, MHA, requesting medical permission to respawn, over." "Permission granted." The downed Admin respawns over at the Mars base and is greeted by his drill sergeant. "So, you died, huh, maggot?" "Oh no..."

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