Out Of Line

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Nikki strides  into  Ernie's office, her heels clicking confidently on the polished floor. She's barely taken a few steps when the secretary, with a smirk barely concealed, mutters loud enough for Nikki to hear, "Nikki I’ve only seen you from the back before. It is nice to finally really see you ."

The comment stops Nikki in her tracks. She turns, her eyes narrowing, and walks back to the secretary's desk. "Excuse me?" she says, her voice ice-cold but controlled. "What was that you just said? Is that supposed to mean something bitch"

The secretary, caught off guard by Nikki's direct approach, tries to dismiss it with a shrug, but Nikki isn't having any of it. "I don't appreciate your tone or your insinuation," Nikki continues, leaning in. "What I do and my relationship with Ernie is none of your business."

The secretary smirks again, but it's less confident this time. "No need to be hostile. It’s just that I’ve only seen you leaving this place. You usually get snuck around back from the boss “ she retorts.

Nikki's face flushes with anger, but she takes a deep breath, composing herself. "Well, You need to mind the business that pays you. Keeping the books and not watching my backside” she replies. "And I'd advise you to keep your thoughts to yourself in the future."

Nikki stormed into Ernie's lavish office, her face flushed with anger. She crossed her arms and glared at him, not wasting a moment.

"Ernie, we need to talk. Your secretary said something to me, and I want answers," she demanded, her voice sharp.

" Hermosa , what are you doing here '' Ernie says grabbing her arm taking her to his office.

" You're being too rough Ernie " Nikki says
" Sorry babe. You should never come here unannounced. You shoulda called here honey " Ernie says
" I'm sorry Mr. Gomez. It seems  I forget my role here " Nikki says
" You know what this is. Why are you getting upset Nicole? Ernie says bluntly
"Ernie, we need to talk. Your secretary said something to me, and I want answers," Nikki spats
" My secretary? " Ernie says. " Jocelyn,  "Oh, what did she say, Nikki? Did she reveal some deep, dark secret Ernie laughs

Nikki's eyes narrowed, her frustration mounting. "She said, 'I've only seen you coming in from the back before.' What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Ernie tries to stifle his laugh but fails miserably.
He chuckles  a condescending sound that only fueled Nikki's anger. "Oh, that? It's just a harmless joke, Nikki. Don't take it so seriously."

Nikki's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "A joke? Is that what you think that comment  was? She was  making fun of me behind my back. She was out of line ?"

" Do you want me to fire her because she hurt your feelings " Ernie says sarcastically
" No, I'm not entitled like that. She doesn't deserve to lose her job because of me.  " Nikki says
" What's it the bag " Ernie says noticing that Nikki is carrying something
" Lunch but fuck it now Ernesto " Nikki says storming out after throwing the food on the ground

Ernie goes after Nikki
" See ya soon Nikki " Jocelyn says to Nikki as she leaves
" fuck you bitch " Nikki says to Jocelyn
" Ho, " Jocelyn says under her breath
" Wait , I'm sorry about everything . Ernie says to Nikki says gently grabbing her arm this time unlike the last time.
" I'll talk to Jocelyn . Now let's grab something to eat " Ernie says trying to reassuring Nikki
" I'm not in the mood anymore " Nikki says
" Hey I love you " Ernie says cupping her face,
" Can I kiss ya " Ernie asks Nikki
" Yeah " Nikki says giving in

" I got y'all now " Patricia says taking several pictures from her car across the street from her husband's  office

Sorry this is an short chapter

The next chapters will be longer

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