To Be Free

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The cold, stark walls of the jail cell echoed with the heavy sighs of Pat and Nikki as they sat on the uncomfortable bench, the only furniture provided. The cell was dimly lit, casting long shadows that seemed to accentuate the gravity of their situation. They were alone, save for the occasional passing of a guard outside the bars that confined them.

"  You look uncomfortable dear. Not used to this. Being in jail. Poor thing. If you don't get out here soon. You are going to be someone's bitch. Or be traded for an carton of cigarettes " Pat says with an smirk

" Carton of cigarettes? You watch too much TV. Anyways this is a different side of the tracks for you. Just like you I'll be out of here in no time" Nikki replies

" Time? That's something that your father has ran out of . I still have the money that needs  to go to Ray. You put your hands on me. Do you know who I am'' Pat states

" I'm not scared of you, Patricia. If you're gonna do something ,do it" Nikki replies

" You don't even believe that. Give the tough act a rest. But tell me which one would you rather have your mother bury , you or her husband" Pat whispers in an menacing tone

"I'm not gonna answer that " Nikki replies

" Well you don't have long to de-"Pat says before being interrupted

" Your phone call Mrs. Gomez. When she is done , then Mrs. Sarandon it will be your turn " an officer states before opening the cell

" Thanks. Think about what I said Nikki"  Pat winks at her before leaving

" This is Alesha Sinclair speaking. How may I help you? " Alesha questions

"Alesha, it's me, Pat. I'm in jail." Pat replies with an disappointed tone

"What? Pat, what happened?" Alesha questions

"It's a long story. I fought Ernie's whore. Can you get me out of here " Pat replies

"Come on Pat , you know better than that in public too? Tell me where you are, and I'll be there in 30 minutes ". Alesha replies

"I'm at the county jail. They said I can post bail, but I don't have the money on me." Pat replies

" Don't worry about that. I'll take care of the bail. Do you know the charges?" Alesha questions.

"Disturbing the peace and causing an public disturbance " Pat replies

"I'm on it, Pat. I'll get the paperwork started and come down to the jail. We'll get you out of there and figure out our next steps." Alesha says

" Thank you, Alesha. I knew I could count on you." Pat says

Switching to Alesha's office

"Always, Pat. We'll be laughing about this in no time. Hang tight, and you of course know to not don't say anything else to anyone until I get there." Alesha says before hanging up

" What was that about babe?" Ray questions

"Ray, we need to talk about Ernie. There's something you should know." Alesha replies

"What's going on, babe? You straight? " Ray questions

"It's Pat. She's in jail because of a fight with Ernie's mistress." Alesha replies

Ray's expression changes from curiosity to shock as he processes the information.

" Ernie? Him cheating on Pat? You sure? " Ray replies

"I know that he is your best friend Ray but yeah. She showed me the proof yesterday and I have to bail her out of jail" Alesha replies

" I'm coming with you. " Ray replies

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