Unexpected Visitors

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" Who are you " Nikki says
" You don't know who I am, don't you. You fuck that many different husbands? " Pat questions
" Excuse me " Nikki says
" Let's have an more private discussion in your car that I'm guessing Ernesto purchased for you " Pat says
" I don't know what you are talking about " Nikki says
" Nicole Sarandon. I spent all day yesterday finding out everything about you. Your father is an cook at an restaurant and your mother is recovering from an cancer battle. Unless they rob banks in their spare time , there is no way they could afford this car " Pat says
" Maybe I bought it myself. Thought about that " Nikki says
" Unless you an high paying escort. Which after finding out what I know, I wouldn't put below you. I don't think that's possible. " Pat says
" Don't disrespect me " Nikki says
" Don't disrespect me , you disrespect yourself every time you fuck Ernesto. You do that to yourself every day. Get in the car Nicole " Pat says
" I don't go by Nicole " Nikki says
" Get in the fucking car " Pat says pulling out her gun
" I'm not scared of your gun. Where in the fuck is security " Nikki says
Pat pistol whips Nikki
" Get in the car , that's the last time I will tell you " Pat says sternly
Nikki now terrified unlocks the car so she and Pat can enter her car
" Fuck you " Nikki says still sniffling
" You are so bold to say that to me. " " If its one thing people have is audacity " " Oh Nikki this car is nice. It really is , I could buy this myself and it would be in my name unlike yours " Pat says not knowing the car is her name
" It is my name and paid off. You have so much anger for me but not for your husband. I am not married to you. I do not owe you an explanation. I don't deserved to get slut -shamed by you. " Nikki says
'' My mama told me dating an married man is like dating an rental. Eventually you have to give him back. In your case you give him back to me every night. What does that say about you being okay with you. Don't you want more for yourself , then being an side chick. " Pat says
'' Don't you want more for yourself then not being able to satisfy your man so he won't have to run to other women " Nikki says
" Touchè. But keep in mind the " other women " part. As in you are not the first. As in he has done this before. This man doesn't love you. Because if he did , he wouldn't feel the need to hide you Nicole. He sneaks you in the back. He can't have his associates hear about him being seen with his mistress. Do you know how many letters I gotten over the years , letters that he doesn't know about. Women like you with tales that were similar. He would sneak around back. He would buy them gifts , he would shower them with affection that they never had before. Until they wanted more. He wouldn't ever leave me , for the image of me standing beside him is too pricey for him to lose. He would give them an ultimatum. They would leave and he wouldn't talk to them again. Then I would get those letters again. I could always tell when the affairs would end. Because he would tolerate me such an little more " " But you are special I must admit. Because you are the last affair I am dealing with , number 12 ." Pat says
" 12, " Nikki says as if she shocked
" Nicole , you were top of your graduating class. Don't act as if you are stupid. Don't be so mediocre You have to want more for yourself than to Ernesto's whore. Or do you believe he will marry you if we get an divorce. I bet you would like that very much , wouldn't you. " Pat says
" And if I do " Nikki says
" If you got married to him , you would be what I was to him when I first married him. An trophy wife. Someone to bring out the coffee and the drinks whenever he had an meeting. Listening to pea - brained men whose intelligence doesn't match yours call you because they need an refill. Are you going to give him 2 kids like I did? I have to do everything in the house and still play mother. While he would come home and relax when I did all the work that day. Is that the life you want? I would think you would want more for yourself then to do that. Or to abandon your family, like I had to. " Pat says
" I am not you Mrs. Gomez " Nikki says
" You remind me of me when I was your age. I was your age when I met you. I didn't have the best parental figures , does that sound like you.? Did your father not love you enough. ?Do you go for older men looking for the stability you never had? Or did your mother not love you enough? Was she not there for you enough? " Pat says
Nikki looks away at the last part
'' Oops did I hit an nerve with that one ? Did your mother work too much to be an fair mother to you? I used to see Jada at the office. She used to work for my best friend. I never knew she had kids. Because she used to be at the office day and night. Or maybe you saw your father sneak in women? , when he thought you were sleeping. Or maybe you saw your father beat your mama down so bad you have no idea what an actual healthy relationship was like I did. " " It's gotta be one of them right '' Pat says
" You think you know me huh " Nikki says
" I'm getting an divorce from my husband. But don't gloat just yet. I'm going to leave him so penniless that he would not have anything to give you. After that he will lose you , because you don't seem like the type to be with an broke ass man. I know you said earlier I don't have any anger for my husband. You are wrong , because the next time you see him it will be in an hospital because I will fuck him up. I'm saving the best for last. " Pat says exiting the car after that last statement.

Switching to the arraignment
'' I'm asking for the prosecution to drop the charges against my client " Alesha says to Judge MacNeil
" On what grounds " Judge MacNeil says
" New evidence. The prosecution 's evidencs is bogus and it rests on Rodolfo having an crush on Tommaso so he made up some evidence on my client so she can get arrested " Alesha says
" Where is this supposed confession " Judge MacNeil says
" Right here, may I play it for the court " Alesha says
" Yes , counsel " Judge MacNeil
Alesha plays the tape of the confession she got yesterday
" See he admitted to it. In light of this recent evidence . I am asking that the charges are dropped against my client because there is no way to prove the evidence is authentic " Alesha says
'' Due to the evidence now being insufficient , the prosecution is moving to dismiss the charges against Evelyn Alfonsi " Prosecutor Imaino says
" Motion granted. Evelyn Alfonsi you are free to go. " Judge MacNeil says
'' You are the best Mrs.Sinclair. Didn't even have to make it to trial '' Evelyn says to Alesha as they take the headcuffs off Evelyn

Both Prosecutor Imaino and Judge MacNeil give Alesha nasty looks but she simply flashes an smile

Switching to the Gomez's house
'' Why are you so nervous they already love you babe '' Alejandro says
'' Alex, I'm not nervous I've met your parents before. " Renee says
" Yes and I've met your parents before but not as your boyfriend " Alejandro says
" Ok" Renee says before she and Alejandro hears some keys juggling.
" I'm home " Pat says
" Mom " Alejandro says
" Hey , Mrs. Gomez " Renee says
" Alejandro , I was expecting your father " " Renee , I have babysit you from the time you were an little girl. I have known you all of your life call me Mrs.Pat " Pat says
" I was expecting Dad , Mom I wanted to tell him something " Alejandro says
" Tell him what " Pat says
" About us " Alejandro says holding Renee 's hand confidently
" Oh now I see. Y'all look so cute. All in love I wish I had that feeling. Renee I can guess your parents don't know yet. " Pat says
" We were waiting to tell you guys all at once " Renee says
" I understand. I won't tell your mama yet " Pat says to Renee
" I hope you are not cheating on her " Pat says to Alejandro
Renee looks at Alejandro funny
" Why would you say that Mom ?" Alejandro says
" No reason " Pat says
" I'm not. I would never do that" Alejandro replies
" That's good " Renee says
" Yes that is Renee but anyway Alejandro and Renee , This good news should wait. Me and your father are meeting with Alesha and Ray for lunch tomorrow. That way we would all be together. But I need you two to go right please. I have to talk to your father about something  " Pat says to them both
" Okay. You ready to go babe? " Alejandro asks Renee
" I am now " Renee says
Alejandro and Renee begin to leave
" Have an good night, Mrs.Pat " Renee whispers to Pat
" Trust me I will " Pat says out loud when they leave

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