Like We're Any Other Couple

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Brennan's wife, Claire, looked around cautiously before speaking. "I need him gone. Completely. No traces."

"You understand the risks involved, right? This isn't something we take lightly." Ray replies back to her

Claire nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "I know what I'm asking for. I want it done discreetly, without any connection back to me."

"We can make it happen. But we need to ensure that you're committed to this. Once the wheels are set in motion, there's no turning back. This also isn't cheap. $500.000 "

Claire clenched her hands together, her voice steady. "I'm committed. Brennan has become a liability, and I can't take it anymore . That bastard is cheating on me  ."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the gravity of the situation sank in. The Sinclair's exchanged glances, silently communicating their understanding.

"Consider it done. We'll take care of Brennan, but remember, once this is over, you're in our debt. And we always collect." Ray replies sternly

Claire nodded, her resolve unwavering. "I understand. I'll do whatever it takes."

' So are we really going to do this '' Ray questions

'' Brennan is really useful to me. I bet he would be shocked to hear his wife wanting to order an hit on him'' Alesha says pulling out the recorder that she concealed

Switching to Mr. Thompson's Office

Pat began, "I just want a fair settlement. It's not about revenge."

Mr. Thompson nodded, "Understood. We'll aim for an equitable division of assets. Custody arrangements?"

"No need ," Pat said firmly, "My children are grown ."

'' May I ask, what is causing you to divorce your husband? Mr. Thompson questions

Before Pat could respond, the door swung open, and Ernie barged in unannounced, his presence like a storm cloud.

"Pat, we need to talk," Ernie's voice was tense, but his eyes were pleading.

Pat turned, surprised and irritated, "Ernie, this is neither the time nor the place.  Get the fuck out. I was in the middle of a discussion ."

Ernie looked at Mr. Thompson, "I'm sorry, but this can't wait. It's about our marriage ."

Mr. Thompson stood up, "I'll give you two a moment," and excused himself, sensing the urgency.

As the lawyer left, Ernie approached Pat, "I know we've had our differences, but I think we can work this out."

'' Differences? You call fucking 12 other women during the course of our marriage simply differences'' Pat spats

Ernie ran his hands through his hair, "I get it, I do. But we've built something important. Can we really throw that away?"

Pat's gaze was unwavering, " She is number 12. Maybe if this was your first affair. I might give an damn about our marriage. Since you don't care to respect our marriage. Why should I remain married to you. But that's not what I'm thinking about. Do you want to know what I'm thinking about Ernesto?''

'' What are you thinking about Patricia.''  Ernie questions

'' You. I'm thinking about you. Especially when you asked Can we really throw that away? Like you haven't been fucking other women. Every time you fuck Nikki you throw this marriage in the trash.  The marriage that you're ready to discard like last week's trash. But it's not just about the assets, the house, or the savings. It's about respect. It's about the years I poured into us, into this family, only to watch it crumble because we stopped seeing each other. Because you stopped loving me an long time ago'' Pat says bluntly

Ernie nodded, "I do respect you Pat , come on she means not-"

'' Nothing to you right? Don't lie to me Ernie ' Pat spats

'' Let's work something out. No one has to leave here unhappy'' Ernie simply replies

 "I look at you and I see the ghost of the person I fell in love with. Where did that person go, Ernie? When did the warmth in your eyes fade? When did your touch lose its comfort? We used to be unstoppable, invincible, but here we are, stopped and conquered by our own hands. I've already just mourn the love lost; I mourn the friend I had in you. The one who would have fought the world for me, as I would have for you. I loved you with a ferocity that scared me. I defended you, built you up when you felt small, held you when the world seemed too much. But somewhere along the line, you decided that wasn't enough. Or maybe it was too much. Maybe I was too much.'' Pat replies

Ernie leans in, voice dripping with feigned concern, "Pat, darling, you're overreacting, as usual. We're like any other couple; we have our ups and downs. It's normal."

He circles, words calculated, "You remember the good times, right? The vacations, the dinners, the quiet nights at home. You're just focusing on the negative now, blowing things out of proportion."

With a dismissive wave, Ernie continues, "Every man cheats .  Every couple goes through it. You're making mountains out of molehills."

He tries to soothe with a lie, "I've always been there for you, Pat. You're just not seeing it clearly. You've got this distorted view of our past, but I remember it differently."

Ernie's gaze is steady, but his intent is to undermine, "Think about it, Pat. Would I really have spent all those years with you if things were as bad as you say? No. We were happy, we were in love, like any other couple."

Pat finishes with a quiet resolve, " I bet you can't even hear your fucking self. And the sad part is , Ernie, as we sit here with our lives in the balance, know that I'll always cherish what was good between us. But I'm ready to let go of what's broken. I've already just mourned the love lost; I mourn the friend I had in you. The one who would have fought the world for me, as I would have for you. I'll be seeing you in court Ernesto'' Pat says to Ernie before leaving

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