Things Are Going to Get Worse

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"I'm coming" Logan says coming to the door
" Hey Daddy, how are you" Nikki says
" I could be better , how are you" Logan replies
" Good , Is Jada here?" Nikki questions
" Your mother? No she isn't. But baby, I've been thinking a lot about what you said at dinner. And I have something to ask you." Logan replies
" What is that Daddy?" Nikki replies

"Do you hate your mother for cheating on me? I know she wasn't the best mother and she has things to work on with you but do you hate your mother? You can be honest" Logan replies
" No, I don't hate her" Nikki replies
" You can be honest" Logan replies
" And I said I don't hate her Daddy" Nikki replies
" Yes you do. It's all in your face. How you talk to her , princess you haven't called her Ma in years" Logan replies
" I don't hate Jada. I hate how she acts like she just doesn't know where she went wrong with me. " Nikki replies
" That's something that you are gonna to talk to her about but I forgot to thank you yesterday about paying off my debt princess , you know I was going to come up with the money" Logan replies
"No Daddy, at least not in time. But Yeah... your debt... it's paid off." Nikki replies

"What? How?" Logan questions Nikki  " what did you do?"
"I... took care of it" Nikki replies
"Where did you get that kind of money?" Logan questions

" Yeah Nikki , how did you get that kind of money" Jada says walking in the room

"Ernie... my boyfriend... he helped me out" Nikki replies
"Trading one debt for another, don't you think that your boyfriend will want his money back" Jada says
" No , Mama. It's no strings attached with him. I don't owe him anything. He does nice things for me , you know when you are in love with someone, you do nice things for them" Nikki says
" You might not owe him money but I'm sure you will be owing him in other ways princess" Logan replies
" Yeah , honey , He is gonna want his investment back in some way" Jada says
" I'm sure Julian wanted sex for all the things that he brought you. You of all people know that. See you later" Nikki says

Switching to The Gomez residence
"So, what's the story, Mr. Gomez ?" the locksmith asked, his hands moving deftly as he removed the old lock.
Ernie hesitated, then explained, "My wife and I are having some issues . I want to make sure she can't get in without my permission."
" Tell me Dad , why are we here?"  Elena questions
" You both need to be here to get your keys." Ernie replies
" So this is how you are handling things. Locking Mom out" Alejandro says
" Yes, Mr. Reed , how much longer is this going to take?" Ernie questions
" Not much longer. You all will  have new keys in no time." Mr. Reed replied

" Alejo , can I ask you
something?" Elena questions
" Sure" Alejandro laughs
" So what do you think" Elena says
" About Dad locking Mom out? She will find a way to get in so I'm not worried" Alejandro says
" That's right , because you are going to make sure that the locksmith makes several copies of your key for our mother." Elena replies
" Alright, I'll handle it" Alejandro says

After a few minutes, the locksmith handed Ernie a set of shiny new keys. "Here you go, Mr. Gomez . You're all set."
" Alejandro and Elena , come get your new keys" Ernie says
" Thanks" They both say in unison unenthusiastically
" And this goes without saying but don't give a key to your mother, I mean it" Ernie replies
Switching to the Sinclair residence "A rare day off for you , how are you spending it?" Pat questions
" Relaxing , after Ray meets with Ernie, we might go out for dinner later, I don't know yet" Alesha replies
" Meeting with Ernie?" " What time" Pat quizzes

Alesha looked up from her phone, a hint of curiosity in her expression. "Why do you ask?"
" After last night, I'm sure he is avoiding me. I need to give him something so where and when is the meeting" Pat says

Alesha's eyes narrowed slightly. "What's going on, Pat?"

"I need to know the time Ray is meeting my husband today. I have some...papers to serve him."
" Oh" Alesha says knowingly, " Listen I will call him and ask him what time the meeting

" Ray, honey I just had an quick question" Alesha calls
" Yes, babe" Ray replies
" What time are you meeting with Ernie?" Alesha replies
" 2:00pm at Castello's" Ray replies
" Oh, ok. I just know I need to make an decision by there on where to go today after your meeting is over" Alesha replies while winking at Pat
" Yeah , for an lawyer sometimes it takes you an long time to make the right decision. Love you babe , talk to you later" Ray says before hanging up
" 2:00pm at Castello's" Alesha says to Pat
" Alright and don't you worry , you know I'm not giving you up" Pat gives Alesha an hug
" I know I don't have to worry about that, love ya Pat" Alesha says to Pat before she leaves

Switching to Castello's
"I'm telling you, Ernie, this new territory is a goldmine," Ray said, "We could easily take over the small Gang that is currently using it"

Ernie nodded thoughtfully, his fingers steepled together. "I agree, Ray. It's still an small gang, we would need to take them all out at once. And who knows the other competition that are probably looking to do the same thing"

"Competition?" Ray snorted. " You're Ernie Gomez , I'm Ray Sinclair , we are the heads of the table. I'm not worried about some small gang or the competition that wants that territory." Ray replied

"You always were one for confidence, Ray. I like that about you. That's why we work well together." Ernie replies

Ray grinned "That's what partners are for, right? Now, let's take a look at this map and-"

Just then, Pat burst into the restaurant, her presence commanding attention. "Ernie, we need to talk," she said

Ernie's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression wary. "Pat, what are you doing here?"
" Pat" Ray stands up and pulls out an chair for her
" An real gentleman Ray , Alesha is so lucky to have you. You stand up when the lady enters the room: I wish my soon to be ex husband did that for me" Pat replies

"What is it, Pat?" Ernie replied
" You two look finished with your meal. Now Ray I don't know what you are getting. But Ernie I got you some desert. Look in the envelope here , here is your desert" Pat
" What in the fuck is this" Ernie says snatching the envelope from Pat and looks at the contents inside
" Divorce papers? Are you fucking kidding me" Ernie yells causing the whole restaurant to look at him.
" This is an public place , Ernesto. Don't make an scene" Pat replies coldly
" Who in the fuck do you think you are. Coming in here and serving me with this. Huh . Who do you think you ar- Ernie yells

"I can and I will. Don't embarrass us, Use your inside voice, Ernesto". Pat interrupted, her smile sweet but deadly. "Our marriage has been a stale dish for an long time now. It's not fresh anymore, it's like when your waiter brings the dish back for the second time, you just don't want it anymore. I don't want you anymore Ernesto"

"Who told you I was here?" Ernie demanded, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Your security team. I think that you forget that we have the same security detail. " Pat replied, her voice dripping with innocence. "They're quite...accommodating. I told them that I had a surprise for you. I wanted you to be shocked , they told me that you were meeting Ray here. So I thought to surprise you." Pat says

"You need to let this go and come home. Before things get wor- Ernie says
" Before things get worse? That's what you were going to say? I heard you changed the locks so even if I wanted to come home , I couldn't even go inside. But you are right about one thing, things will get worse if you don't give me what I want Ernesto" Pat said
"But the truth is, our marriage has been a recipe for disaster for an while now. I'm not dealing with your bullshit anymore. Sign the papers" Pat replies

"You aren't getting this divorce Pat" Ernie replies

"Oh, but I will. I promise you that." Pat replies before getting up and leaving "I'll make you give me one."

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