A Woman's Work

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Nikki, standing amidst her belongings, her eyes a mix of defiance and hurt, finally breaks the tense silence. "You know, Elena, I never meant for any of this to happen. Truly" , she states.

Elena, arms crossed, her posture rigid with betrayal, responds with a bitter laugh. "You never meant for it to happen? That's your defense? That's all that you have to fucking say. You sleep with my fucking father, break up my parents marriage and all you have to say is you didn't mean it?"

"It's not just a defense, Elena. It's the truth. And It takes two to fuck and it takes two to break up an marriage. Their marriage was already broken long before I came into the picture. So don't put this all on me " Nikki retorts

"Trust me. I'll have my words with my father the next time that I see him. But as for you , after you get your belongings. You can get the fuck out. Elena's voice cracks, the pain evident in her words.

"It's ok. My boyfriend ,wait excuse me, your father brought me an place. So I'll be ok. " Nikki laughs as she shows no remorse.

"You think that you're special. He's just gonna leave you like all of the others. Or you're gonna leave him when you realize that whatever you guys have isn't going anywhere" replies

"This isn't just some fling.. I care for him and he cares for me. We have a connection that I couldn't fight anymore. I stopped trying, Do you think that I went out and picked a married man intentionally. No , it was temptation and I gave in. I'm so glad that I did. I'm sorry that you can't understand that " Nikki confesses

"A connection? With my father? You could have anyone that you wanted. He doesn't feel the same way about you that you feel about him. " Elena accuses, her voice rising with every word.
" Well I'll enjoy the time that I do have with him. " Nikki replies
" How about if I fucked you up right. My father might've of chosen you over my mother but I'm Daddy's Little Girl. If I say that you laid a hand on me , it's over. I'm not just talking about the affair. I'm talking about your life. " Elena says.
" Security." Nikki calls out
" You ready , Ms. Sarandon." An guard questions
" What's this? You think that my father's guards will stop me " Elena questions
" They are here so nothing can take place. I'm leaving. Guys everything is already packed up. Can you guys take these things to my car? " Nikki says
" Sure thing" the guard says
" I could take you out , with your guards watching you. Don't fucking underestimate me" Elena whispers to Nikki before she leaves

Switching to Brennan's office
"Listen, we both know what's at stake here. Dropping these charges is in your best interest." Alesha says
"You don't want your insurance policy to be canceled. You need it" Pat replies coldly
"And you are?" Brennan replies in an questioning tone
"Patricia Gomez. That's all you need to know" Pat replies
"We're not here to threaten you. Just to remind you, what's at stake. I need you to drop the charges." Alesha says
Brennan begins to pause  weighing his  options "I need time to consider this. I can't just drop the charges. You had a fight in public ."
"You need time to consider this?" Alesha laughs
" That's funny. You don't get to consider anything. Do you remember who is in charge? ." Alesha replies
" You have until noon today. Not only do I need the charges dropped , I need them to be removed against my record. " Pat says
" I don't have that power. Also that can't happen that fast  " Brennan says
" But Judge MacNeil does.  I need an expedited hearing in two days. To get the charges dropped and these charges removed from her record. " Alesha says
" What if he doesn't agree to that?" Brennan questions
" You better make him agree. I don't want to have to come back here. "

[The tension in the room is palpable as Alesha and Pat leave, leaving the Prosecutor to grapple with the weight of their decision.]

Alesha and Pat walked briskly down the street, their conversation a low murmur against the city's usual noise. They are talking . Until an familiar figure meets them
"Ernie? What are you doing here?" Alesha asked, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.
Ernie, caught off guard, takes a step back. "Just heading to the prosecutor's office."
Pat, who had been silent until now, crossed her arms. "You need those charges against your whore dropped ."
Alesha stepped forward, her gaze unwavering. " I got an expedited hearing for Patricia. Maybe if you are really nice and talk to the Prosecutor, you can get one too"

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