It's No Secret

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" What in the hell happened here '' Ernie questions  entering an house destroyed
" I got an bat and I went batshit crazy " Pat spats
'' I don't have time for you tonight Patricia. I'm taking an shower then heading to bed " Ernie says
" If you attempt to walk in the bathroom you will slip because I dumped the whole bottle of baby oil all over the floor. You can wait to wash your whore off you. Talk to your wife Ernesto " Pat says
" My whore? What are you talking about " Ernie says
" I met her today. " Pat says
" Met who Patricia? " Ernie questions
" Nikki, Ernesto " Pat says
" I don't know an Nikki Patricia " Ernie says
" Ernesto, It always amazes me how you are able to lie with an straight face. " Pat says
" I am not lying Patricia " Ernie says
" The pictures on your car in the garage say otherwise Ernesto. Take an look " Pat says
" Ok " Ernie says walking to the garage
" What in the hell Patricia " Ernie says realizing what Pat did to his car
" My father left me this. You know how special this car is. You are paying for this. All of it " Ernie says
" I'm not paying for anything Ernesto. But you are. You are going to pay up big time in this divorce settlement " Pat says
" Divorce Patricia? We both know that is not going to happen " Pat says
" Really? Ernesto these pictures of you and this Nikki girl have been sent to every divorce attorney in Little Leisl. It's happening Ernesto. So you can run off and be with her. But not before I take nearly everything you got " Pat says
" I hate for you to come up missing . Patricia " Ernie says
" You wouldn't do that to the kids Ernesto. You would actually be an father to them " Pat say
" Oh so you were mother of the year when they were growing up. Huh?" Ernie says
" Tell me Ernie where were you?. Name an school event you went to other than graduations. Name an school play you took time off to sit through. Other than buying the deluxe version of whatever game Alejandro wanted during the time or taking Elena on an shopping spree buying her whatever she wanted. I did the same things you did Ernesto. But what separates me and you is that I was the parent. I told them I loved them every day, I gave them the tough love. I had to play bad cop when you would come in like Superman. Don't you fucking dare act like you are father of the year. " Pat says
" It is not wise you threaten me Ernesto. I run the same cartel you do. Let's not start an war costing lives because of marital issues. We are getting an divorce " Pat says
" I made you Patricia. I run this family. Well since you know I don't have to lie anymore. I can just say I am with Nikki. Deal with it. It's no secret  " Ernie says
" You made me. No I made you. Men like you are all the same. Men like you get to the top without acknowledging the woman that made you great. I put you on that high pedestal. While I had to put myself down. Being strong when you needed me to be, Being mother and father when you needed me to be. Being weak when you needed me to be. Being silent when you needed me to be. Being the trophy wife when you needed me to be. Being the happy wife who sits besides you smiling and greeting people when you needed me to be. You made me Ernesto? I was the one who really got deals through. I was the one who gave the advice you took credit for. I always had the right solution. I made the Gomez name mean something. I made your image strong. And now you are letting some girl reap all the rewards that I gave my blood ,sweat and tears so you can have. I helped bring you from an low level street hustler to one half of the most powerful cartels there is. I. I. I. I. I. Fucking I. It was all me Ernesto. So don't insult my intelligence by insinuating you are responsible for my success. " Pat says
" Where were you before you met me. Huh Patricia? When I met you , I wasn't the man I am now. You took an chance on me and for that I am grateful. We both respectfully built each other up to become the people we are today " Ernie says
" Let's not pretend we are an actual couple anymore. This is an business arraignment now if we are being honest. Now let's come up with something that works for both of us. See I can reasonable Patricia " Ernie says
" Oh an business arraignment? Do you really not love me anymore Ernesto? Now I'm not going to be one of those women who cries because their marriage is over. I'm not gonna cry because their husband doesn't love them. Honestly I don't care anymore but you will give me an divorce. " Pat says
" You are not getting an divorce. You need to let that go Patricia. " Ernie says
" I need to let it go. That's funny. It really is. Who in the fuck do you think you are Ernesto. You will agree to it. Yeah you will. I'm going to an hotel tonight. Find somewhere dry to sleep or go to your whore's dorm room. Oh you can't do that. Because she is Elena's roommate. I mean how will you explain that to our daughter." Pat says before leaving
'' Fuck you '' Ernie says
'' Right back at you. '' Pat says before opening the garage and getting in her car.

Switching to the Gomez's and The Sinclair's at lunch
" You too alright " Ray asks Pat and Ernie
" Yep " Ernie says
" No we are not all right. And for the last time Ernesto , don't act like you love me now. Keep your hand off me. " Pat says
" Pat I don't see why we got this big ass table its only the 4 of us " Alesha says
" There is some people joining us Lea. " Pat says
" Who Pat? " Ray says
" Hey Mama " Renee says alongside Alejandro
" Oh baby, give me an hug " Alesha says smiling
" Well Nae , this is an surprise " Ray says
" Mr and Mrs. Sinclair " Alejandro says before himself and Renee sit down
" Alejandro " Ray simply says
" There is something we wanna tell ya Mama and Daddy" Renee says
" We? As in you and Alejandro " Ray says
" Yes Daddy" Renee says
" Hmm" Ray says simply
" You got our attention darling. Don't mind your father" Alesha says
" Mr and Mrs. Sinclair me and Renee are seeing each other " Alejandro says before confidently holding Renee's hand
" Is that so " Ray says
" I had an feeling you were seeing someone Nae. You had this certain glow about you. I'm happy for you baby " Alesha says
" Aren't you happy Ray " Alesha says
'' Thanks , Mama " Renee says
" You know we already love you Renee. You too make an great couple " Ernie says
Pat looks at Ernie in an nasty way however she gives an genuine smile to Renee and her son.

Some time later

'' This time I called'' Nikki spats

'' I appreciate that . Something on your mind '' Ernie questions him

'' Your wife. She gave me an visit yesterday. '' Nikki spats

'' Oh that. Don't worry about her. I told her it's no secret. Now I don't have to sneak you around anymore'' Ernie reassures Nikki

'' You and I. We knew what we were getting into'' Nikki replies '' But your wife? Confronting me. Calling me Number 12 , that wasn't part of the plan'' Nikki spats

'' Number 12?'' Ernie questions

'' Don't lie to me. She told me about the other women. I'm not the woman to cheat on. Keep your wife in line'' Nikki orders Ernie before leaving

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