Water Under The Bridge

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" Send her up " Nikki replies to the receptionist

" Aren't you gonna give me a hug?!' Jada questioning waiting

" Hello Jada " Nikki replies

" So cold. Be honest with me. Was I really that bad of a mother? Did I NOT give you anything " Jada replies with an somber tone

" What do you consider everything to be Jada" Nikki replies directly

" Anything you wanted to do in school. Dance , cheerleading. There isn't an thing that you asked for that you didn't receive" Jada replies

" How many games did you show up to? How many recitals did you make? I can count it on my hand and I don't even need to use two " Nikki replies

" Answer the question Jada" Nikki questions

" Nikki, I didn't come here to sugarcoat things or pretend like I'm perfect. But as your mother, it's my responsibility to guide you and remind you when you're making choices that could lead to heartbreak or regret. Sleeping with a married man is a path filled with pain and complications. I. I want better for you, Nikki. just for a minute I need you to listen. It comes from a place of love and wanting the best for you, always." Jada replies

"You want to talk about tough love, Jada? Let's talk about you . You clock in, take orders, and clock out. That's your life. Meanwhile, Ernie? He's out there, carving his own empire. You think you can intimidate me with your so-called wisdom? I'm out here, actually living my life. I can't say the same thing about you. You say you want better for me, but what you really want is to see me turning out just like you. Working my life away with barely anything to show for it Well, guess what, Jada ? I'm not you. I will never be a failure in life like you. . I'm going to enjoy the ride, savor Ernie and everything else about him. Because he is the love of my life and he could open doors for me that you would never be able to in an billion years." Nikki replies

" You're so disrespectful baby. I don't know what I did. Nikki, I hear that you out here driving around in this new set of wheels like you're better than the rest of us , While your father owes money to the Sinclairs. Don't disrespect me because I work for mine '' Jada replies

'' Dad owes money to the Sinclairs?'' Nikki questions

'' Yes he does. Every dollar he makes goes to paying them back '' Jada replies

'' Oh yeah , paying for the cancer battle that should have beat you'' Nikki replies

Jada slaps Nikki '' You are gonna respect me. I don't wanna ever hear you say something like that''

'' You know what Mom since you want me to call you that. Working for mine caused you to be emotionally absent from my life. I was the only who had to take their fucking aunt for all those mother-daughter events because you were too busy with work. I didn't have a mother that played with dolls with me. You fucking sucked as an mother. I didn't know about Dad owing money to the Sinclairs. I know their son Theo. I'll ask him how much money Dad owes so I can pay it back for him. Don't come me judging when you never there when I fucking needed you. I'm not that little girl waiting staring outside the window. Now get the fuck out. '' Nikki replies with tears in her eyes

Switching to Brennan's office next day

'' Did you come here to gloat'' Brennan questions Alesha as she walks in

'' No but I do need to talk to you about something. I don't want to talk to you here. Let's go somewhere private like my office'' Alesha replies

'' What is so important that we can't talk here. I mean you did come and visit me? '' Brennan questions

'' Your wife is putting a hit on you. Now come to my fucking office '' Alesha whispers in Brennan's ear before leaving

Now in Alesha's office

'' You're kidding right'' Brennan says with an somber tone

'' You just heard the audio for yourself '' Alesha replies

'' So what do you wanna do?'' Alesha questions

'' What do you mean?" Brennan questions

'' I mean your wife wants you dead. That's what I mean '' Alesha replies

'' I mean she knows about me cheating. So at least you don't have that to hang over my head. So its no need for me to drop the charges against and I heard that you accepted the offer right '' Brennan replies

" You are gonna drop the charges when I bring my evidence into court. Just because I accepted doesn't mean I was planning to follow through it. Now I can refer your wife to someone else. And once I do it's out of my hands. Now it's in my hands.. She hasn't paid me and my husband yet to kill you. Do you want me to refer her to somewhere else or do you want me to not actually kill you. '' Alesha replies

'' Thanks , I'll drop the charges'' Brennan replies sounding very defeated

'' You're welcome. You know what its all water under the bridge'' Alesha says

'' I want her dead tonight. Fuck her , Kill her '' Brennan says before leaving

'' Sure thing, wow okay '' Alesha replies

'' Rauly , could you come here for an minute '' Alesha questions Rauly.

'' Yes Mrs. Alesha '' Rauly replies

'' I want to thank you again for helping me out today. I need you to edit this audio. Make me sound favorable'' Alesha says giving Rauly her recording tape

'' Sure thing'' Rauly replies grabbing the recorder before leaving

Switching to later in the night

'' Who is that baby '' Claire questions Brennan as his phone rings while they are sitting on the couch

'' I don't know , let me see '' Brennan replies before going in the other room to answer the phone

'' Probably your lover'' Claire replies under her breath

'' Hello '' Brennan says

'' Hi , this is Renee Sinclair. Meet me with your wife by that older abandoned store. You have 30 minutes'' Renee orders

'' For what '' Brennan questions

'' What you asked for earlier in the office. '' Renee replies

Time skip 30 minutes later

'' Why in the fuck are we out here '' Claire says

'' I need to talk to you '' Brennan replies

'' And we couldn't do this at the house '' Claire questions

'' I need to talk to you about something'' Brennan replies

'' And I'm asking you again , we couldn't do this at the hou-'' Claire says before being interrupted by an knock on her window

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