Not My Daughter

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Nikki's hands trembled as she dialed Ernie's number, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. The line clicked, and Ernie's voice came through, weary yet attentive.

"Ernie, it's Elena " she began, her voice tight with anxiety. "We have a problem. Your daughter... she found out about us from her mother. She's kicked me out of the dorm."

There was a pause, the gravity of the news settling in. "My daughter did what?" Ernie's tone shifted from surprise to concern. "Nikki, where are you right now?"

"I'm outside, on the campus bench. I don't... I don't have anywhere to go, Ernie," Nikki confessed, the chill of the night seeping into her bones.

Ernie's voice was firm, decisive. "Listen to me, Nikki. I'm booking you a hotel for the night. Just stay put, I'll send you the details in a moment."

Nikki's heart fluttered with a mix of relief and sorrow. "Ernie, I don't know what I'm gonna do ."

There was a soft sigh on the other end. "Don't worry. . And I'm sorry for all this mess. Tomorrow, we'll start looking for an apartment for you. Something just for you, where you'll be safe and comfortable."

The promise hung in the air, a tentative offer of stability in the chaos of their entangled lives. "Thank you, Ernie. I... I appreciate that more than you know."

"We'll get through this, Nikki. I'll make sure of it," Ernie assured her, and they both knew that no matter the complexity of their relationship, the care between them was undeniable.

With the call ending, Nikki held onto the hope that Ernie's words were not just a temporary fix, but the beginning of a path away from the turmoil that had become her life.

. "I know what you did, telling Elena about Nikki. That was low, Pat." Ernie

Pat, unfazed and with a smirk, crossed her arms. "Well, if the shoe fits, Ernie. Maybe next time you'll think twice before messing around."

Ernie, taken aback by her lack of remorse, gritted his teeth. "You really don't care who you hurt, do you, Elena kicked her out. ?"

With a cold laugh, Pat retorted, "Oh, please. Spare me the lecture. You're no saint yourself. The kids might as well know who their stepmother might be "

Ernie's frustration was palpable, but he managed to keep his composure. " We are NOT getting an divorce.  You need to understand. But since our daughter kicked out. I'm putting her in an hotel room and I'm buying her an apartment''

Pat's expression didn't change, but her eyes gleamed with something akin to victory. "Well, isn't that generous of you. Make sure it's a nice one. She's earned it, after all."

'' You need to find yourself somewhere else to sleep Patricia'' Ernie spats

'' You must be mistaken. I'm not leaving.''  Pat replies back to Ernie

'' Yes you are. For what you did''  Ernie replies back to her

'' Are you gonna drag me out the house?  You do that and you will regret it for the rest of your life I will burn this house down. The couch is comfy. So you won't have any problems sleeping there again tonight . Love you honey ''  Pat says sarcastically before heading up the stairs

Switching to Jada and Logan's house

'' Mrs. Gomez. I haven't seen you in a long time'' Jada says opening the door '' How are you ''

"Jada, we need to talk about your daughter," Pat began,. "There's something going on... something you need to know about.''

Jada, taken aback by the seriousness in Pat's tone, motioned for her to sit. "What is it? Is Nikki okay?" Concern etched her features.

"It's not about her safety. It is about her fucking my husband '' Pat replies back to her

The words hung in the air like a guillotine blade, and Jada felt the room spin. "An affair? With Ernie? That can't be... not my daughter " Disbelief choked her words.

"Yes , it is your daughter and my husband. He has brought her a car. It's worth more than the car that is sitting outside '' Pat replies

Jada's heart raced, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and hurt. "This is... I had no idea. Nikki would never..."

'' Just wanted to give you a heads up. That's all. Judging by the recent purchase on my husband's credit card she appears to be at  the Diorama Hotel'' Pat replies back to her before quickly

Switching to Ernie and Nikki at her apartment

'' Do you like it?'' Ernie questions showing Nikki her new apartment.

'' Yeah. I do '' Nikki replies

'' They should be moving furniture over in the next few days. I'll let you know when it's ready '' Ernie reassures her

'' Thanks for the clothes as well. I'll go back to the dorm to get my things. Assuming that Elena hasn't burned my things. '' Nikki says as well

'' I'll talk to her. Are you ready to go back to the hotel? Ernie questions

'' Yes''  Nikki replies

Some time later

'' Hello'' Nikki answers the hotel receptionist

'' Your mother is requesting to see you. Should I send her up ''

short chapter yeah i know

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