Soft Sleep

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Art not mine bla bla bla-

It was a normal day at the Resistance. The frogs were training and going on missions while Anne and Sasha were planning the next big step in their plan.

Sasha was looking at the map while Anne (for some reason) was playing with Sashas hair. The blonde didnt mine it but you could see a bit of red on her face.

Anne looked into the bright yellow hair of Sasha whilest putting her fingers through it and massaging it with her hand. Soft... she thought.

Sashas concentration was put to an end when she felt something laying on her back. She looked behind her and saw Anne, peacefully sleeping in her hair while rubbing it gently.

Sashas face grew bright red and she tried to cover it up with her hand. No one else was in the room so...

She took a deep breath before saying something. "Hey... Anne? Your kinda... umm..."
"What is it Sash?" Asked Anne, now looking at her before putting her arms on Sashas shoulders and connecting them.

Sasha was blushing more and more. "Well umm... your kinda... sleeping on me." Anne blushed and let go of Sasha.
"O-oh! Sorry! I didnt mean to..." Anne said, before placing her back against Sashas.

They sat there for a bit before they both decided to start working. But when they tried to pick up a paper in between them... they accidentally touched hands.

They looked at eachother and became a blushing mess. They covered theyre faces with theyre hands and thought about it.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! Why did I have to do that? thought Sasha. She was so cute when she was sleeping. Only if I could kiss her beautiful lips- OH GOD NO! Im not gay! Or... maybe... Ugh. This is the worst!

I didnt even notice I was sleeping on her and now we touched hands too! Anne thought. I mean... we have held hands before but... it wasnt like this. Oh, why am I such a blushing mess? Like, Sasha is kinda hot but... I wouldnt date her. Right? Ughhhhh...

"S-so... Anne. Umm... why were you sleeping on... me?" Sasha asked. "Well... your hair is really soft so I just really wanted to sleep on it... I guees..." Sasha covered her face again.

Oh my god. She thinks my hair is soft! Why am I freaking out over this? Its nothing. But... oh, I think im in love with her... Sasha thought.

"Well if you want... you can sleep with me and... youll get to sleep in my hair since... you like it so much," Sasha explained. Annes face grew redder. "S-sure. Id like that..."

A few hours later...

Anne was with Sasha in her room, waiting for Sash to change into her sleeping clothes. Anne was already in hers so she just needed to wait for her friend.

Once Sasha came out the bathroom, she sat next to Anne on the edge of her bed. Both of them were silent. And really red.

"So, do you want to go to sleep now or?" Sasha asked.
"Whatever you want Sashy~" Anne said in a sorta flirty voice. Sasha was really red and looked at Anne. Anne looked back and then realized what she did. She was completely red and covered her face with her hair.

Sasha looked at Annes hair and gently started to play with it. Anne didnt notice since she was too flustered.

Whyd I do that? Whyd I do that? Whyd I do that? WHYD I DO THAT?! Tho... her red face was kinda cute. And those muscles... God im so freaking gay... Huh?!

Annes thoughts were stopped when she felt someone on her back and then hugging her tight. It was Sasha. She was sleeping in Annes hair.

"W-wha?..." Anne stuttered.
"Its not bad to serve a little bit of payback, is it Boonchuy?~" Sasha explained in a flirty voice.

Anne looked away and closed her eyes, starting to bite her lip to stop this weird feeling in her stomach. Sasha noticed this and stopped.

"W-w-werent we supposed to go to sleep?" Anne asked. "Y-yeah..." The two girls then went to sleep finally and Anne slept in Sashas hair, much to the blondes delight.

The next morning...

Anne woke up in Sashas hair and her face turned red instantly. She went over to the bathroom to change since she didnt want Sasha to see her... you know... naked.

Once she was done, she sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Sasha to wake up.

A few minutes later...

Sasha woke up to someone walkinh back and forth in her room. She got up to see what it was and it was Anne. Once the brunette noticed her, they both became really flustered.

Sasha bolted to the bathroom as Anne waited on the edge of the bed for the blondes return.

Sasha was thinkinh about what to do after she was ready. Should I run out as fast as I can? No, now I just sound rude. Should I just walk up to her and we chat for a bit? Maybe. Do I just flat out kiss her and leave? WHAT THE HELL?! NO!

Sasha came out and sat next to Anne. They were silent for a bit but Anne opted to start some small talk to brighten the mood.

"S-so... last night was... fun."
"Y-yeah... I guees it was..." answered the blonde. "So what now?" Anne asked. Sasha stood up and stepped infront of Anne. Anne grew red in the face and looked away.

"You dont wanna face me, do you?" Sasha asked. "N-no! I just... get really flustered when your around..." "And whys that?" Asked Sasha again, bowing down a bit so she could reach Anne height.

"I... its nothing. Really. Im... fine..." Anne said, covering her red face with her hand. Sasha grabbed it and placed it back on the bed. She started to lean towards Anne to make her lay down a bit. Anne was ofcourse... extremely red.

"S-Sash? Y-your umm..." Anne stuttered. Then, Sasha kissed her. Anne almost fainted when it happened but then enjoyed it. She placed her hand on Sashas cheek and kissed back.

The blonde then held onto the brunette tight, now sitting on her lap. They then kissed again and Anne started to lose her balance. Luckilly, Sasha decided to stop there.

"You like that Boonchuy?~" she asked. "Y-yeah..." Anne answered, whiping the drool of her mouth. Sasha got off from ontop of Anne and almost stepped out the room before saying...

"Maybe one day well do it again. But harder that time~"

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