Spiritual Sickness

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Izuku develops the normally non-fatal platonic Hanahaki...but having seven cases of it, it quickly turns even more deadly then the common romantic version of the same disease. Can Izuku's seven special people, help him realize that his familial love for them, is returned just as fiercely?


Trope - Platonic Hanahaki


It wasn't supposed to be like this, he knew platonic Hanahaki wasn't deadly, at least normally.

However, when one had seven cases of it at the same time, it was even more deadly then the more common romantic kind. It only took romantic Hanahaki, six months to kill, and even three cases of platonic Hanahaki would be enough to match that life sentence, but he had seven cases at the same time.

He had less month to live, unless he found out who the flowers belonged too and whether the person felt the same kind of platonic love for him. Whether it me friendship, sibling bond, father-son bond, or a mother-son bond.

Izuku was screwed, he didn't even know how this came to be. He had really good relationships with everyone, Aizawa, All Might, his friends, and even Kacchan! So who are the seven people he's literally dying for, who did he even think didn't like him? He couldn't help the tears that welled up in his eyes, realizing this was it for his dream of becoming a Hero.

"We got the results on the type of flowers you've been coughing up, Midoriya." Aizawa said softly as he walked in with Recovery Girl and Izuku looked up, hoping the flowers would give some hint too who he had Hanahaki for.

"What are they?" Izuku asked, his voice extremely raspy.

"Snowdrop, Sword Lily, Rosemary, Lavender, Hamamelis, White Rose, and Pink Carnation." Recovery Girl informed and Izuku nodded, vowing to look those up when he got back to his dorm.

Aizawa walked over and rested a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently in order for him to know that the other was here.

"Let's get you to the dorm, Midoriya." Aizawa whispered, helping him to his feet and both he and his teacher walked out of the room together, Izuku's head lowered and tears slowly falling down his cheek." It might be best to do the surgery, since you don't even know who the flowers are for, it won't effect your day to day life."

Izuku shook his head, he refused to let go of his memories of the the people he was dying for, not unless he knew for sure they didn't want his love. Platonic love or not, it was still love and he wasn't willing to let that go, especially when only a year or so ago...he had nobody to love him except for his mom.

It didn't take long for him to get to the dorms, his teacher making sure he was comfortable, before leaving with a reluctant goodbye. Once Aizawa was gone, he moved to his laptop and opened it, bringing up the browser and typing in the first flower, Snowdrop.

By the time he'd researched all of the flowers, it was almost curfew and he looked down at the list of meanings behind the different flowers.

Snowdrop, innocence, purity, and hope. Sword Lily, remembrance, honor, and strength of character. Rosemary, remembrance, friendship. Lavender, purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness. Hamamelis otherwise known as Witch Hazel, protection and inspiration. White Rose, Purity, secrecy, silence, innocence and charm. Finally Pink Carnation, heartfelt gratitude and motherly love.

The moment he read the list and it's meanings, he knew who he had developed Hanahaki for and it he also knew he would never willing get the surgery to remove the roots of the flowers.

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