If I only Could, I'd Make A Deal With God

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Daigorou could hear the other vestiges talking, he could feel Izuku fighting, but none of that mattered right now. He stared numbly at the place Hikage had been just seconds ago, his throat dry like sandpaper despite the fact he wasn't even corporeal in the traditional sense.

His breaths came in sharp gasps, tears he hadn't cried since Hikage's death started to well up in his eyes, threatening to fall.

"No, no, no, not you, not you Hikage," Daigorou whispered, his voice cracking as he found himself unable to stand any longer.

Collapsing to his knees, Daigorou let out a gut-wrenching scream, one that tore at his throat but he welcomed it. He welcomed the pain the scream brought him, anything was better than the pain of losing Hikage. His friend, his lover, his predecessor, whatever people called him, it didn't matter anymore.

Hikage was gone.



Probably being tortured.

Daigorou wondered why he had accepted this damn Quirk, if he hadn't, would he have been free of this pain?


But he couldn't bear losing any of his memories with Hikage, even if it meant losing Hikage himself...because he had been happy.

He could remember when he first met Hikage, chasing a villain into the woods.

And he could remember the first time Hikage laughed, his laughter like music to his ears, it had sent him into a trance, it was so, so beautiful.

It wasn't just Hikage's laughter though...

No, no, it was the way Hikage cared for nature like it was an extension of himself, it was the way Hikage helped the injured wildlife whenever he got the chance, and it was the way he handled everything with kindness and care.

He was so pure of heart, why did he have to die...why did he have to be torn apart from him?

Hikage hadn't deserved that, he only deserved the best and no matter how hard Daigorou tried to give Hikage the best life and afterlife he could, his precious Hikage had been taken away from him and into the jaws of a monster.

Daigorou didn't register the hand on his shoulder, didn't see how everyone currently in the void had paused to turn to him.

They were worried.

Why were they acting like this was a good thing?

Like Hikage being stolen is nothing to worry about?

Didn't they care?

Gritting his teeth he stood up abruptly tearing his shoulder from Bruce's grasp, surprising the silver-blue-haired man.

"How dare you!" Daigorou shouted, tears streaming down his cheeks like waterfalls." How dare you pretend to care when you don't give a shit that Hikage was taken, probably being tortured by that bastard Shigaraki!"

Bruce took a step forward, his dark grey eyes shining with sadness and all the anger deflated from Daigorou.


Hikage was like a son to Bruce.

How selfish had he been to think that he was the only one affected, the others just handled it better or covered it up.

"I'm sorry," Bruce whispered softly, pulling Daigorou into a hug.

For a moment he was confused, then he realized what Bruce was talking about.

He was sorry for giving Hikage One For All.

Daigorou's tears started anew as he clung to Bruce like he was the last lifeline he had.

"I-It's not your fault, ponytail," Daigorou whispered, trying to put humor into the nickname, but he couldn't bring himself to sound anything but depressed.

"Yeah, it is," Bruce murmured gently, his voice so quiet that Daigorou almost missed it.

Daigorou didn't argue.

There was nothing he could do to convince Bruce that it wasn't the man's fault.

So for the time being, he just stayed quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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