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Izuku loses and in the ruins of the world he knew, he's thrown into a Vault like his Uncle before him...this time however, unlike Yoichi, he won't have anyone to rescue him.


Trope: Dad For One and AFO Vaults Izuku

Warnings: Angst, Isolation, Forced Tube-Feeding, All For One(He deserves his own warning)


Izuku laid on the ground, Gear Shift had failed, Tomura had been overwhelmed by All For One's mind and everything was gone. Uraraka, Kacchan, Aizawa-sensei, Yagi, his mom, and so so many others killed. None of them had stood a chance, not a single one had any hope of standing a chance against All For One.

Not even him, currently paralyzed, his consciousness flicker in and out.

He'd failed and he was so tired, he had fought for the better part of a several months and he had failed in his mission to protect the people he cared about. Failed to avenge the One For All users, failed to be the Hero he's always wanted to be. There was no hope of achieving that dream anymore, he couldn't be a Hero for a world that no longer existed.

"They're gone, they're all gone..." Izuku rasped softly his throat sore from the dust that floated aimlessly through air.

The sound of footsteps echoed across the barren expanse of dirt and corpses, a soft chuckle greeting his ears. He didn't need to turn to know who it was, All For One, the man that had just destroyed Izuku's life irreparably.

He wanted to scream, but he so tired and he didn't see any point in it.

White hair flowing around cracked skin and torn clothing entered his field of vision, then red eyes as the man leaned over to look at him. Amusement in the mans eyes, but Izuku just clenched his teeth, not being able to move as he watched All For One looking over him carefully.

"Izuku Midoriya, I am ashamed it took me this long to figure it out." All For One drawled casually as he knelt down beside him." After all you look just like her, albeit with pieces of my personality and being a different gender."

Her, who was the man talking about, he didn't know. The soft inhale of shock from his side indicated Yoichi did though, he wished he could turn to the first, but he wasn't even able to move his head.

Izuku swallowed, before attempting to speak through his pained breaths.

"W-Who?" Izuku choked out and he heard a chuckle, the mans eyes lighting up in glee that he got a response to his words.

"Why, don't you know your own mother?" All For One purred out, making Izuku's entire world tilt on it's axis as yet another painful truth was shoved down his throat." Ah, it was so terribly easy to manipulate her, pretend to be business man, get her to fall in love and then leave once I took your Quirk...your original Quirk of course."

He wanted to shake his head, deny it, but it made so much sense as to why his mom always refused to let him talk to his father. If his dad had really been over seas, then he would have been allowed to call him during down days, especially if he was a business man.

A choked sob echoed from out of Izuku's field of vision and he realized was Yoichi, he wanted to hug the man, but he couldn't. Not while he was still unable to move an inch, unable to fight against the man who was surely going to kill him. Yet the sound of Yoichi's sobbing wasn't of grief, but of despair, which meant he wasn't going to die.

That didn't settle well with Izuku, because he knew, there were worse fates then death and All For One definitely knew how those fates worked.

"Don't think I don't see your uncle and his pretty little successor's, I've always been able to see them." All For One whispered as he caressed his cheek, making Izuku send a sharp glare to the man." Don't be so selfish, I want to spend some time with my son. Although it is obvious you've inherited too much from your uncle and mother, might have to go back to old methods of getting you to see reason."

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