Siren's Curse

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Izuku has a Quirk and after accidentally activating it inside the void, he's forced to face some uncomfortable memories.


Trope - Midoriya Izuku has a Quirk

Warnings - Mentioned Rape (Not Graphic)


Izuku had a Quirk, but he always just pretended he didn't as it was a frankly embarrassing Quirk that could make his life horrible if he wasn't careful. His Quirk was called Siren, a mutation and fusion of his parents Quirks. His mothers Quirk was Pull, which allowed her to pull objects towards her...his father Quirk was fire-breathing, which oddly enough had nothing to do with breathing fire...but more his vocal cords could produce sparks that when hitting open air burst into flames.

Siren was exactly as it sounded, it pulled people towards him when he activated it and made in almost impossible for them to escape the grasp of it. It didn't control them, it just gave people around him an unhealthy obsession with getting close to him due to an almost euphoric feeling that the person felt hearing his voice. Another reason he named it siren, was due to the myths about sirens.

The myths tended to focus on creatures who could pull people in with their voice, before devouring them.

Unfortunately this often was unable to be controlled, he had gotten lucky with not having an accident with it for at least two years before he met All Might and a little after as well. Sadly his luck ran out in the most unusual place and time, in his sleep while he was talking with the previous One For All users.

He felt the moment his Quirk activated, his eyes widening before clamped his mouth shut and refused to open it. Siren had two requirements to work, continuous talking and the person had to be the same gender.

Therefore Nana just watched in complete confusion as for a split second, the other One For All users had started wobbling slightly as if drunk. Thankfully due to him realizing what was going on, he had managed to avoid any incidents by making sure not to say anything else and he hoped one of the users knew sign language.

"What...was...that?" Yoichi exclaimed in surprise as they came back to the full senses, looking confused and concerned." It was like my mind was swimming through mud, not to mention the pull I just had to get closer to Nine..."

Izuku wanted to explain, but he knew opening his mouth again at this moment would trigger them all over again and his voice during these Quirk incidents was addicting to the point where in the past people had begged him to speak and use it. Thankfully with Nana here, he could whisper to her and get her to transfer the words to the others.

He walked over and pulled Nana down to his level, whispering in her ear.

"It's my Quirk, can you ask them if any of them know sign language so I can explain to them whats going on?" Izuku whispered quietly inside her ear, causing her eyes to widen and she gave a sharp nod.

"Izuku says he needs someone who knows sign language." Nana stated." So someone can translate what he has to say."

Second huffed after a moment, before raising their hand slowly.

"I know sign language, just use it and I'll translate for you, brat." Second ordered and Izuku nodded and began moving his hands.

~ I am not Quirkless as you and everyone think I am ~ Izuku started slowly, looking down at his hands as he went on to explain his Quirk and the reason behind why he hid it and all the scares it had given him since he awakened it.

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