The Price Of One For All

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Izuku never told anyone this, but he had the memories of the past seven One For All users...however when he has a nightmare about their deaths, he's finally forced to tell them the truth.


Warnings - Angst


Izuku woke up in a sweat, tears streaming down his face as he stumbled towards the bathroom. His entire body was shaking heavily, his heart beating out of his chest as his brain played images of what he'd seen in his dream. Since he had gained One For All, he'd had the memories of the past users, which was not as helpful as one would consider.

Sure he had skills that he hadn't had before, but he more then often felt like he was losing his identity and most of the things he saw were horrific nightmare fuel.

It had gotten to the point where Inko had taken him to a psychiatrist and he was diagnosed with PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder). Everyone of course assumed it was the USJ attack and the Training Camp attack that caused it, but none of them knew that compared to what he saw in his dreams...those attacks were nothing.

His last dream had been about their deaths, his dreams usually entailed one memory from each user. So he gained their memories at a similar pace and never had more memories of one then the others, but it also meant in cases like this he had seven times the amount of trauma shoved into his mind.

Izuku barely made it to the toilet before he ended up vomiting, his hands shaking and his stomach doing flips inside him.

Why did this have to be the side effect of One For All, he would have taken almost any other side effect. It wasn't fair he was only fifteen and he was being forced to go through trauma most soldiers in the military didn't even go through, he hated it and a part of him regretted taking the Quirk from All Might.

"Make it stop, oh god...I can't do this anymore." Izuku sobbed, his hands pulling at his hair and he curled up in the corner of the bathroom, on the floor.

How did he make it stop, he just wanted to be himself again and not deal with all of these memories belonging to people that weren't even him. They were dead, why did their memories have to leak into his own?

Just the other day, Bakugou had made a comment and he'd almost called them by Second's name. It had made him realize, this was starting to affect his day to day life and soon he might not even be able to recognize what is real or not. After that incident he had avoided his childhood friend, he couldn't get it out of his head.

Not only that, he'd almost called All Might, Toshi, a nickname he was all too aware was the one Nana Shimura or All Might's predecessor had called them.

He was so out of it, he didn't even notice when the room shimmered and seven figures appeared inside the decently large bathroom. Looks of confusion and concern on their faces, but only one took a step forward and knelt before him. With a look of surprise, Izuku glanced up to see the past One For All users.

"'ve never..." Izuku stammered out, hurriedly wiping tears from his cheeks in an effort to look better when he was in the presence of these former Heroes.

The First user, who he'd learned the name of from one of his dreams just gave a sad but concerned smile. Their eyes a couple shades lighter then his, flickered to the side where Second and Third were.

"We sensed your distress, normally we wouldn't have interfered...but Second and Third had a feeling things might go wrong if we didn't speak with you." Yoichi confessed, their eyes softening slightly." We couldn't contact you through a dream, since you were we tried another method and it seems to have worked."

One For All and Izuku Midoriya One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now