Last Resort

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What if Gearshift was fatal when it was used?

This is a world where Izuku's fight against Shigaraki ended much quicker but ended with a high price.


Trope: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence

Warnings: Angst, Character Death


"It's time, Izuku," Second whispered and his tone was filled with pain that Izuku couldn't place.

With a nod, Izuku activated Gearshift and almost immediately his body burst with energy and everything seemed to pause for a moment, then he shot forward and began fighting Shigaraki. His punches landed before he even arrived at where the villain was. He was moving so fast he could barely see the world around him, everything was a blur.

It didn't take long before he managed to punch a hole in Shigaraki's body, he didn't stop there, however, he continued until there was no way in hell that Shigaraki would be able to be saved by All For One's doctor.

It was finally over, there were other dangerous villains out there but right now, the one that mattered was dead and things would finally calm down.

Suddenly he coughed, falling to his knees as liquid pooled up his throat and started leaking from the corners of his mouth. His eyes widened, shock rushing up like a tidal wave as he tried to process what was going on, the coughing got worse, and more and more liquid rose up from his chest and he realized with horror what it was.


He was coughing up blood, enough blood to potentially even drown in, and wasn't able to do shit about it. Panic began to spread through his mind as he struggled to breathe but was unable to get any oxygen, his hands scratched his chest as a wheezing sound escaped his lips.

What was happening?

He couldn't breathe and his chest hurt so so much.

"I'm so sorry, Izuku," Second's voice washed over him and he turned with difficulty toward the vestige and saw the heartbroken and guilty look on their face.

Their red eyes shone with pain and sorrow, while their jaw was clenched and fists gripped tight.

Suddenly, he realized what was happening.

He was dying, Second hadn't been lying about his Quirk being a last resort. Cause it could only be used once, he had just killed himself by using it and now he was going to die alone on a battlefield while coughing up his own blood and slowly fading away. Izuku for the first time ever, felt pure fear, sure he'd felt fear before but not this kind.

With a wheeze, he tried speaking but only blood came out, his body felt like it had been wading through quicksand and his vision was gaining dark spots as the oxygen to his brain was beginning to fade.

"Don't fight it, please, it will only hurt you more." Second pleaded as he wrapped warm arms around him, tears falling from the vestige's face." I'm sorry Ninth, Izuku, please forgive me for letting this happen."

Izuku lay there in the man's arms, tears running down his cheeks as blood gurgled in the back of his throat and his senses started to dull.

"I f'rgve y-yu," Izuku managed to say and Second's eyes widened before the normally stoic soldier broke down.

"I hate this, I don't want you to go, kid," Second whispered and Izuku felt a sudden wave of peace spread over him, he had accomplished his goal, become a hero and now he could rest and watch over his friends and mom.

With one last look at Second, he gave the vestige a smile and closed his eyes, letting darkness and relief finally pull him under.

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