Not A Hero

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The First One For All user isn't a Hero, but despite this...he considers the others inside One For All as family, so he's willing to do anything he can to protect them. Including revealing his less then Heroic personality, for both the living and dead world to see.


Tropes: Evil/Dark First One For All User

Warnings: Blood, Gore, Possessive Behaviour, Mention Previous Character Death, Possessing Someone Without Consent


Yoichi Shigaraki was not a good person, in fact he was very much a Villain as the people these days called it. It wasn't that he had intended to be one, it just happened that way. Just because someone had good intentions and a generally kind heart, didn't mean that person was a Hero in societies eyes.

He was a war criminal, he had killed people and admittedly enjoyed doing so in most cases, but he did have a moral compass, a code he would rather die then break. Despite being a killer, monster, or whatever anyone decided to call him, there was a few lines he was never willing to cross.

So as he stared at his Ninth successor, a boy so hell bent on becoming a Hero, sobbing brokenly on the ground as his friends got hurt around him. The domed ceiling in the place the boy had called the USJ felt confining as he turned to look at his husband and friend, both of which new of his love of killing and chaos.

The two didn't care though, in their eyes it was perfectly fine, as long as it was directed to the right people.

Yoichi stared at the boy as he broke the bones in his fingers once more, going through his code mentally, never hurt a child, always go down the path that means the least deaths, and don't lie. Three simply rules, a code to follow in order to not turn out like his brother had and as long as he followed those rules, he didn't feel guilt over what he did.

So with a wide grin, he pushed his mind to the surface of the boy's and gently allowed the child to fall into a trance-like sleep. Taking over his body and stretching casually, he stood up from where the boy had been watching his teacher getting beaten by the Nomu that was no doubt created by his brother.

"Ah, it's been so long since I've had freedom to move around and do as I please." Yoichi murmured softly, ignoring the looks coming from the two other children next to him.

Yoichi walked forward, lazily, earning a panicked expression from the boy's teacher as he walked straight up to the blue haired Villain controlling the Nomu. A lopsided grin on his face, eagerness flooding through him at the idea of killing once more. He wouldn't let these poor children get killed by the Villains, he wouldn't let there be more deaths then neccessary, but he was going to have so much fun with the one called Tomura Shigaraki.

"You got brave, huh, brat." Shigaraki stated, smirking and turning to face Yoichi with narrowed red eyes peaking through a old leathery hand, making Yoichi's grin widen considerably.

"It's only called bravery, if your scared." Yoichi murmured softly, giving the Villain a pitying look." However I am not scared, little one."

Shigaraki snarled, his eyes flashing angrily and Yoichi smirked, good, anger often clouded people's judgment. Well, except people who were forced to control anger in order to use their Quirk's like his precious Fifth, Daigorou Banjou. Cause that's what his successor's were, precious, family and he would do anything necessary to protect them.

The blue haired Villain lunged forward with his hands outstretched, an angry shout coming from him and just before he could make contact with the boy's skin, Yoichi used One For All in a flash.

One For All and Izuku Midoriya One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now