What's Wanted Isn't What's Truly Needed

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All For One gains One For All unexpectedly when Yoichi in a last ditch effort to save Izuku, allowed it to be stolen. However, at this point in it's development, the Quirk that All For One has wanted for so long has grown to powerful for even All For One's immunity to Quirk related side-effects to handle.


Trope: All For One has One For All, All For One is not a potato(It just doesn't work for the plot), Reconciliation

Warnings: Character Death, Blood, Physical Damage To Oneself(Not Self-Inflicted)


Hisashi grinned widely as he managed to wrestle the Quirk he'd been after for so long out of Ninth, his own son, he might even let Izuku and all his friends live. He was just in that great of a mood, although he almost scowled as he felt seven and a half vestiges settle into his Quirk. It was definitely a good thing he'd gotten One For All before Izuku had manifested their Quirks, but unlike most vestiges, he didn't kill these ones off.

His brother seemed fond of them, so he'd keep them alive, for now at least.

He sighed, before allowing himself to step back into Kurogiri's portal, triumphantly caressing One For All with All For One. Feelings of despair, fear, and hopelessness flooded from the Quirk he now held within him. Finally, his brother had realized that he'd always win, it had only been a matter of time.

With a stretch, he made his way to his office and sat down at his desk, while most of his work was indeed illegal, there were a handful of perfectly legal things he had set up as back up plans should his real identity need to go in hiding for a bit. Well, perfectly legal other then forging a new identity, which was necessary in those circumstances.

A drop of something wet ran down his cheek, thinking it was tears from the whole One For All was finally his situation, he brushed the wetness away. However, when he lowered his hand, he realized the wetness was blood, not tears and he froze.


He stood up and made his way to one of the small office mirrors he had, looking in and gaping as he saw a trail of blood coming from his eyes. That wasn't normal, he ran a self diagnosis and felt his anger rise, his brother had yet again made a fool of him. Thinking he could trick him into dying do to his Quirk, he must have let his healing Quirks relax to much.

Activating them, he tried to get the bleeding to stop, but it only worsened and after about an hour of trying he realized that nothing was working. Using his Quirk seemed to be speeding the process up, not slowing it down.

With a snarl, he lashed his hand out and scattered the contents of his desk across the room.

This was a problem, why hadn't Izuku had this problem? He thought back to when he had taken the Quirk away from the teen, only to pause when he realized that his son didn't have a Quirk and remembered that he'd been diagnosed Quirkless only months before his major fight with All Might.

"Dammit, I seemed to have made a slightly rash decision." Hisashi grumbled, before picking his phone up and dialing Kurogiri." Kurogiri, find me someone who's Quirkless, preferably with white hair if you would."

Without waiting for a response, he hung up and turned to glare at the mirror, imagining that Yoichi was listening in right now.

"Nice try brother, but your not going to be taking me down that easily."


It didn't work, the Quirk wouldn't pass onto the boy and he snarled as he realized it was his brothers fault, his brother must control who the Quirk passes too and once he realized that One For All was killing him, he refused to let it be transferred.

One For All and Izuku Midoriya One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now