Love Doesn't Always Mean A Happy Ending

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There was a reason that All For One had cried, it was because the Second and the Monster had a relationship that went much deeper then just enemies. Sadly, that kind of relationship was doomed for tragedy from the start, the second user should have realized this....yet he still couldn't stop his heart.


This is basically something I came up with when I saw All For One crying while choking the Second One For All's completely a crack ship, but still intriguing to take seriously!

This is in my "One For All - One Shot's" because it's "Second OFA user-centric" and it's a One-Shot.....but it doesn't focus on One For All Quirk specifically...


Trope - Hero/Villain

Warnings -  Mentioned emotional manipulation and toxic relationship, canonical character death, no happy ending


He knew it would end this way, how could he not.

All For One was the very person he was meant to take down, so of course it would end it tragedy. There was no reward for loving a monster, no reward for letting that monster kill one of his best friends. Yoichi, he had jumped in front of his weapon, getting killed by the bullet he had fired off.

Nisokudo had been using his Quirk on the bullet at the time, so he wasn't able to stop it in time. He knew that Yoichi hadn't believed in the whole, killing the bad guys thing, but to sacrifice his life for the one man who had tormented him his entire life. He didn't understand it, until a year ago during a mission gone wrong.

He had been fighting All For One, only to get severely wounded when a building collapsed on top of him. The same building causing man he was fighting to get knocked unconscious and while Nisokudo certainly wasn't one to hold back in signs of weaknesses from his enemy, he wasn't a monster like All For One.

Killing someone while they weren't even aware wasn't honourable and if he crossed that line, then he wouldn't be any better then All For One.

So he had waited until the man woke up, from there it all went downhill for him as he still hesitated to kill the man he had been trying to kill for nearly his entire life. Never before had he ever hesitated to kill someone, but Yoichi's sacrifice for his brother was tugging at Nisokudo's heart and mind.

Yoichi had been very adamant about All For One facing justice, not just being killed, if the law decided he needed to be executed then Yoichi would have accepted it. It was a deadly mindset to have, but his friend was clearly still living in a fictional mindset.

It hated taken long for All For One to realize the situation they were both in, offering a temporary truce in order to get out. In a moment of desperation, he had agreed and that was probably what sealed his fate now. He had agreed to the monsters terms, allowing All For One to have control over him.

It had been a mistake, sure, but he hadn't been willing to kill the person that his friend had lost his life over.

As soon as they both escaped however, things turned out much worse, the next meeting with All For One being awkward. Soon in became very clear, he had developed a crush on the man who had upturned his entire life several times. It wasn't a innocent crush, it was one that All For One noticed and began to use to his full advantage.

Toxic was one way of describing it and Nisokudo was ashamed to say, he had actually thought the man felt the same way. All For One leaning into his feelings, seemingly responding positively, he would call him nicknames and offer him supplies for his resistance, as long as Nisokudo spent a good amount of time with the man.

At first he hadn't noticed just how bad his developing relationship with All For One was, not until Santou, his brother in all but blood had confronted him.

Santou rarely ever questioned him, not out of fear, but out of respect and so as soon as his friend was clear something was wrong. It didn't take him long to realize what exactly was wrong, because it should have been obvious.

All For One was giving him what he wanted, in order to keep him away from the resistance and distract him from messing with his criminal organization. He should have seen it, but of course he wouldn't, Nisokudo was someone who couldn't stop his heart and while it had turned out ok with hadn't with his friend's brother.

After that, Nisokudo spent the next couple of months thinking of what to do, not giving All For One any reason to think he was questioning his relationship with the monster. He often kept a close eye on the other man, trying his hardest to see if the other had a hint of actual love in him.

It all came to head when All For One had attacked a resistance base and Nisokudo immediately realized it was a base that wouldn't have been found unless someone had gotten into his laptop and found the location. Which meant that his new lover, the man he had foolishly developed a relationship with, had used him to get the location of the base in order to attack it.

He was furious, heartbroken, and distraught as he knew it was his own fault, he had allowed his guard to lower, allowed All For One to have control over his life. Now two hundred and sixty people were dead, because he had made a stupid mistake.

So he confronted his lover, demanding for All For One to confess to what he had done and when the man had done exactly that, he turned and stormed out of the house he had been staying over frequently and didn't even turn to give one last look. He had let things get out of hand for so long and now, he was paying the price.

The next couple of months, Nisokudo ruthlessly slaughtered anyone that had a single connection to All For One. He hunted down the best possible methods of killing the man he was ashamed to still love, until he finally face him.

He had already given Santou the Quirk that Yoichi had given him, it had taken longer then he would have liked to even realize he had it or when and how he had gotten it. However, when he realized, he had immediately given it to Santou and told him to use it in the future to fight and destroy All For One, should he fail in his mission to kill the man.

All of that lead to the current moment, his body bleeding, broken, and bruised as he hung from All For One's hand which was closed around his throat.

Nisokudo knew he had failed to kill All For One, but he hoped Santou would end up succeeding at some point. Tears were running down All For One's face and Nisokudo realized with a start, the man did love him, but it wasn't a healthy form of love. It was the same kind of love the man had held for Yoichi, it was a possessive kind, a controlling kind.

"It didn't have to turn out this way, if you had just stayed obedient." All For One whispered and Nisokudo would have scoffed if he had been able to breath.

However despite the situation he was in, he still loved All For One and finally realized why it was so hard for Yoichi to accept the man needed to die. So he just smiled at All For One, trying to convey the fact he did still love the man, but he wasn't going to let that stop his drive to do the right thing.

It wasn't painful, he felt nothing as the hand on his throat squeezed until his world went black, he had failed to defeat All For One, but he wasn't the only one fighting the man any longer and Santou or someone else would succeed at some point...he was sure of it.

One For All and Izuku Midoriya One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now