No Such Thing As Free-Will

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Izuku is thrown into a vault, meeting a familiar face, but his hopes for rescue or escape are dashed when he finds out just how All For One had kept his brother obedient for two hundred years.


Trope: Dad For One Vaults Izuku, Yoichi lives, Forced-Villain Deku

Warnings: Angst


Izuku stumbled as he was thrown into an empty room, the only things he saw was a toilet, a bed, and a small shelf with comics on it. It was unnerving, he looked around hesitantly as he tried to take in what he could in the dimly lit room.

It was then a movement caught his attention, he froze and prepared to defend himself, only to gape in shock and horror as a man sat up from the bed. The man was thin, on the verge of being malnourished and hat straight silky white hair that almost looked translucent in the dim light of the room. The thing that startled him the most however, was the bright light green eyes with white pupils, he had seen this man before.

In his dreams with the past users, he had seen this man more times then he could count, but he was supposed to be dead. This man was supposed to have died, vestiges didn't form until the original person had died and he knew this because the man had explained it himself.

He took a hesitant step forward, the man not moving an inch and only watched him carefully as he approached.

Izuku felt like he was walking up to a skittish cat, one wrong move and he might get swatted with claws, which was fairly accurate to the mans personality he supposed. The man was kind, but never hesitated to throw a punch if he deemed it worth the energy, it was something he admired in the man.

Once he got to the bed, he sat down at the end, his side facing the man in order not to seem too threatening, yet also not to be foolish and turn his back on him. He knew how the vestige would react, but certainly not the living man, who had likely been in here for just as long as All For One had existed.

"Hi, my names Izuku Midoriya." Izuku greeted awkwardly, his mouth dry as he fought down the urge to panic at his situation, despite the feeling rising steadily in his chest." I'm sixteen, a Hero student at UA High School, it's nice to meet you I guess...I mean not in this situation of course, but you know, in general."

He couldn't help the embarrassing ramble, so he turned his head away slightly, trying to avoid pushing the man more then necessary. Last thing he wanted was to stress the guy out, not when his vestige had shown what a good person he was.

"My names, Yoichi Shigaraki." Yoichi whispered, his voice low and dull, like it was lifeless and almost robotic." I am....227 years old and I am...All For One's little brother."

Izuku felt his heart catch in his throat, just how broken was this man, this was not the brave, kind, and determined civilian that had created a long line of Heroes. This was a man who had had his dreams shatter, life torn apart, and freedom revoked. It was disgusting to think that someones own family, flesh and blood, would do something like this.

He gritted his teeth, the grinding sound grating to his ears, but he didn't stop.

It wasn't fair, why did he and Yoichi get forced into a situation like this, it wasn't fair then again, it was All For One he was talking about. Nothing the man did was fair, especially apparently towards family, cause as much as Izuku loathed to admit it, that man was his father.

He couldn't change his own genetics, no matter how much he wanted too, it wasn't possible and so he had just accepted it. Plus, being related to the man didn't automatically make one evil, his own brother had fought against All For One until he couldn't anymore. Which was probably the reason Yoichi was so broken, like a puppet that had no more purpose in the world then just surviving.

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