Not Dead

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Seven legally dead Heroes pay the price of All For One's obsession with family, but the newest arrival indicates hope for them, assuming that boy's mentor is still alive and searching for him.


Trope: Dad For One(All For One) Keeps Izuku Midoriya and Yoichi(First) In A Vault, Past One For All Users Are Alive


Two hundred and thirty five years, he had been in the fucking vault for over two hundred years. His hand trembled as he looked over at the six other people in the large open vault with him, his husband, best friend, and their successors. None of them died, it had all been a lie that each of them had believed, in truth, each of his successors had been taken and forcefully held here as soon as One For All was passed along.

Each of the others, including him, had been given artificially created longevity Quirks, ensuring that none of them would die of old age.

His brother hadn't visited in years, allowing the other Villains he worked with to take care of him and the others. Most of them hoped that his brother would never come back and that the Villains taking care of them all would grow bored, allowing them all to be let go. He knew however that wouldn't happen, despite the hope the others had.

"It's hopeless, isn't it?" Hikage whispered softly, his hand trailing across the scar on his face where One For All had nearly killed him.

"Escaping, yes." Yoichi nodded, giving the man a sad look." Being rescued, unlikely, but not completely impossible. I was rescued by Second and Third, starting the line of One For All users and if those two could rescue's possible, however unlikely, for it to happen again."

He watched as the man nodded, before turning towards the rest of the group, all of which seemed to be playing a game of cards. It lessened his guilt of putting everyone in this situation, knowing that at least they were happy in many ways. He just wished it was true happiness, not some artificial version they created to cope with everything.

"It's only a matter of time before the eighth will arrive, honestly, I am surprised they haven't been brought here already." Hikage stated and Yoichi snorted in amusement, giving his friend a raised eyebrow.

"Don't jinx it, I would be very happy if we never have to see eighth in any manner, other then the pictures Nana draws." Yoichi commented, leaning against the headboard of his rather pitiful bed." He never takes us when we have One For All, only after we pass it as long as he has the Quirk, it's possible he's safe from the Vaulting, if nothing else."

That didn't seem to reassure the man, but he nodded hesitantly.

"Why does your brother keep Vaulting each One For All user?" Hikage asked and Yoichi hesitated, he had a theory, but nothing concrete.

"It's possible...due to being mentally ill, that in his mind..." Yoichi swallows, before continuing." In his mind, anyone who holds One For All is his family, he doesn't see you all as enemies...not since all of you gained the Quirk."

"He sees us Hikage questioned and Yoichi swallowed, if his theory was correct, it was much more...severe then that.

"He's see's you all, as me." Yoichi whispers, turning to glare at the floor of the vault in frustration." He has gotten to the point where he cannot recognize anyone, except by their Quirk and since you all held One For All, he grew accustomed to the stockpile and your Quirks...he thinks you all are me."

Yoichi closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, it wasn't a proven theory...but given his brother's behaviour these past two centuries, it was the only thing that made much sense as he often only referred to Yoichi when he came to check on them all. Never even speaking to the others, despite vaulting them, it was as if he didn't even recognize there was more then one person inside the room.

One For All and Izuku Midoriya One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now