7. Decision with a Warning

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The next morning Izuku is in the bathroom brushing his teeth getting ready for his day with thoughts of what's to come on his mind.

He's going to tell his dad today that he will race again but that once this is over it's over for good.

His train of thought is broken when the strong arm of his husband reaches over his shoulder from behind him.

Katsuki smirks down at him as he reaches for his toothbrush chuckling at the trail of white toothpaste down the greenett's chin.

He wipes it off with a nearby towel before he begins to brush his on teeth.

" Mornin nerd" , he mumbles around the brush in his mouth watching Izuku smile up at him.

" Morning Kacchan. How'd you sleep?" , he asked rinsing his mouth then turning around to face the handsome blonde while he leaned back on the white marble counter.

Katsuki finishes the task putting his toothbrush away as he gives his husband a smirk.

" Might have been better if I didn't feel a restless nerd next to me all night."

Izuku smiles at him sheepish.

" Sorry Kacchan, just anxious I guess to tell dad my decision and get my training started again. I didn't mean to keep waking you"

The blonde grins reaching down gripping a lean toned waist as he sits the greenett on the counter watching him yelp at the suddenness then laugh as he wraps his arms around Katsuki's bare shoulders.

" I never minded you keeping me awake for the right reasons", he says low leaning down peppering Izuku's neck with kisses making him break into a string of giggles.

" Bad, so bad"

Katsuki smirks against his neck.

" You like it"

Izuku wishes he could deny it but he knows he can't.

" I knowwwww, something is so wrong with me"

Katsuki chuckles pulling back looking into jade eyes.

" Nah, you're perfect nerd. You know you can still back outta this, you don't have to tell your old man yes", he says fixing a messy green curl.

Izuku smiles at him.

" I know, but... but I'm going to do this but this is it, I'm finished after this one, it won't matter what Monoma says after this"

Katsuki narrows his eyes.

" Won't be anything left to fucking say after this cause you're going to make him eat his God damn words and if he's still stupid enough to run his mouth I'll be there this time to punch those words back down his throat"

The greenett grins at his husband's always rough protectiveness.

" Hopefully that won't be necessary but ... I'll admit I don't think I'd try to stop you"

Katsuki smirks, stepping back a step and flexing both his arms playfully winking.

" Cause you know you couldn't"

Izuku flushes at the god like body his husband has while he reaches out and runs his hand over the large bicep muscle Katsuki has flexed.

" You are so hot it really is ridiculous", he mumbles making the blonde chuckle and pull him close.

" And all yours, now kiss me Deku and do it like you mean it", he says leaning down feeling heated lips connect to his own.

The kiss is intense fast as Izuku wraps his legs around the blonde who's standing between his thighs.

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