25. The Lap Dog

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Katsuki has been in America with Izuku for a few days now. After a through doctors visit where Katsuki asked numerous questions making sure to get all the answers he wanted it was decided that it was safe for Izuku to continue his training but only after at least another week of rest and a follow up visit.

Luckily his ankle injury was only a bad sprain and not a break or facture, so some more time off it,ice and salt soaks should take care of the problem. There's brusies from the fall he had taken onto the jump but no real or permanent damage.

Katsuki was relieved to hear those things but he knew he wouldn't feel completely at ease until he put weight back on his husband and got his mental health back on track, something he's been working on since he got here.

The two are currently curled up in bed on another rainy afternoon watching a movie while Izuku takes it easy.

Jade eyes look up from his husband's chest where he was resting his head to look at a strong profile that's watching the TV screen. Izuku nips at his bottom lip before he speaks.

" Kacchan?"

Crimson eyes look down to meet a questioning gaze.

" Yeah?"

There's a gentle smile on fair features.

" Are you still upset with everyone?"

The blonde raises a slight brow studying concerned green eyes. He knows where the question comes from, Katsuki has kept his distance from both his father in law and Kirishima. He's not as angry as he was when he first arrived but he hasn't been happy with them either.

" You don't think it have a right to be?", he responds as he shifts a green curl from greener eyes.

Katsuki sees his husband scrunch his face in thought, an action that will forever makes his heart ache with affection.

"Well, I mean yes. I understand why you were."

The blonde keeps his crimson gaze on him.

" Do you? Do you really understand why?"

Izuku nods shifting his gaze to his husband's large hand while his fingers reach out and touch the wedding band on his finger.

" Y-yes because no one told you what was going on with me.", he mumbles knowing his partly to blame for that.

There's a smirk begging to come to sharp features, one thag he won't let his husband see just yet.

" Yeah, no one including you. You understand that I could have been here a hell of a lot sooner if you had said something. Hell, if any of them had said something. But no one did, on top of that I was lied to. Deku, I was upset because you're the most important thing to me, nothing is more important, not now, not fucking ever. I should have been told immediately. So yeah I'm still a little pissed off but I'll get over it now that I'm here and can make sure you're ok."

Pretty jade eyes finally meet crimson ones. Izuku smiles sheepishly feeling Katsuki take his hand and hold it.

" Are you still mad at me too?"

Katsuki chuckles unable to hide it anymore as he smirk grows.

" It's hard as fuck to stay mad at you, it always has been, especially when you're giving me that look you got going on. I'm pretty damn sure you know exactly what you're doing there. But besides that...", he pauses as he leans down running his thumb over a soft freckled cheek.

" You have always been the exception to every damn rule I have.", he whispers with a grin.

Izuku feels his heart skip in his chest. Doesn't matter how long he's known Katsuki, or how long they've dated or been married. This drop dead gorgeous blonde with the rough yet gentle hands and the voice that sends both chills and heat will always pull this reaction. His love for him only seems to grow deeper by the day especially in times like this.

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