Dancing - SS

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You had always stuck with the Sanderson sisters as long as you can remember

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You had always stuck with the Sanderson sisters as long as you can remember. You can still remember clear as day the first day you met them, alone in the woods, cold, hungry and scared, your parents were forcing were forcing you into a marriage you knew you could never be happy in. 

"Why hello there." You turned your head to see three girls staring curiously at you, the one in the middle with big, poofy red hair, two front teeth poking out as she rested her pointer finger to her chin, another girl on the left side with pinned up black hair and a much girl who seemed to be younger than the rest of them however same age as you smiling waving at you. The middle one holding a massive book under her arm seeming to try and protect it behind her back. 

"What do you think you are looking at? You furrowed your eyebrows at the middle one.

"Winnie, I like this one, she's feisty, but smells weird." The black haired one failed at whispering. 

"Can we keep her?!" The blonde jumped up and down.

"Silence!" The red-head, Winnie, shouted at the two girls, learned to be her sisters. "What is your name?"

"Y/n....... this is the part where you tell me your names." 

"Winifred." the red-head glared at you.

"Mary." The black-haired waved.

"And I'm Sarah." the blonde jumped infront of you.

"Sarah." Winnie yelled at her sisters as Sarah jumped back next to her sister. "What are you doing in these woods?"

"I could ask you the same question.... I am escaping my family and my whole village, we live just off the edge of Salem, the village and my parents force to marry the Reverend's boy but they don't understand I am different."

"Winnie just like you, you were meant to-" Sarah gasped in shock grasping onto her sister's arm jumping up and down.

"See I am just like you.... so I'll be on my way. Goodbye." You start walking off till Winnie yells at you to stop. 

"We have come to a joint decision, that we will take you in and you can live with us in our house hidden by the trees, in the deepest part of these woods."

"And do I get to learn the teachings in that book like you three?"

"You wish to become a witch?"

"If it means getting away from the fresh hell I escaped from, I'm in." Winnie let out a small smile at your sentence as she gave you a little nod to follow them as Sarah squealed with excitement as she hooked her arm round yours. 

"Oh Winnie can I show her my lucky rats' tails?!"


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