Breathe - Rebecca Welton

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It was your first game as a coach at Richmond, you had been assistant coach but you were promoted by Rebecca, now your girlfriend, to coach along with Beard, and of course Ted.

It was half an hour into the game and Richmond were suffering against their opponents. Ted was used to everyone yelling slurs and insults at him so he had grown to ignore them, but you weren't. With the insults, along with the overpowering noise of the yells of fans and the two teams, your breathing sped up.

You placed two fingers on the edge of your lips biting your nails, the other hand fiddling with the zip on your tracksuit.

You moved your hand up to your face smoothing out your ponytail but also to get a second to cover your ears to block out the noise. "Hey." A hand was placed on your shoulder as you looked to your right to Ted. "Hey. Hey, you're okay. Follow your breathing." It didn't work instead your breathing became more rapid. "I know it's horrible." He whispered. "But the main thing is you've just got to slow down your breathing." You nodded in understanding. "Do you want to go inside for a break to help you calm down?" You nodded instantly as Ted gave you a nod encouraging you to go off.

As you walked back into the building, Ted looked up to Rebecca in the box and nodded his head in your past direction, Rebecca gave him a smile and a thumbs and got up with an instant to go see you.

"Y/n?" Rebecca walked into Ted and Beard's office and then into the changing room continuously calling your name in a gentle tone but it was your mumbled counting that caught her attention. She followed your quiet voice back to Ted's desk and knelt down on the floor to see you curled up with your knees to your chin under Ted's desk.

"Sweetheart, remember your breathing." She placed her hand on yours she shifted round to sit next to you, but not under the desk. As she did you leaned over to the side so your head was rested on her chest hearing her heartbeat, hands resting on her lap. "That's it. It's okay." She leaned down placing a kiss on your head. "Just listen. I'm gonna stay here as long as you want me too, don't say anything." She intertwined your fingers with hers, letting you play with her rings.

"I just want to stay here for a bit."

"Then we'll stay here." She wrapped her arms round your waist bringing you in as close as she could, hugging you tightly.


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