Enchanted - Rebecca Welton

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You and Keeley had been friends since primary school and your friendship had grown closer by every single second. Though when you grew up and got jobs you found it hard to always see each other like you were used to but always seemed to make time for each other. You also made it a monthly thing of one of you staying round the others a full blown girls night full of skincare, cringey chick-flick movies that Keeley loved secretly but you couldn't stand, and lots of gossip.

One of the things Keeley kept bringing up in these monthly things or whenever you met up was her new job at AFC Richmond Club, the manager and her ex husband. You knew of the rumours and gossip due to social media, and from your own personal opinion with the encouragement of Keeley's stories you obviously took Rebecca Welton's side, finding Rupert spine-chilling unbearable.

Whenever Keeley would bring it up she couldn't get a word in edgeways as you'd always ramble for Rebecca's side m, never noticing the corner of Keeley's mouth going upward into a smirk, recognising your admiration for the older woman.

"Isn't she so fit as well?" Keeley smiled, scooting up closer to you getting all excited in the conversation.

"OH MY GOD YES! It's that power look, like Jesus Christ how does one look like that?!"

"Calm down babe!"

"Yeah sorry, anyway-"

"Oh don't apologise.. I find it kind of adorable when you have a crush and you ramble on about them."

"I don't have a crush." You scoffed.

"Oh pu-leaseee! I have been your friend for god knows how many fucking years I know when you like someone."

"I've never even met the woman!" You defended.

"Mmm." Keeley raised her eyebrow as she kept the smirk on her face as an idea popped into her head.

"Keeley why have you bought me to a football game, I know fuck all about football." You followed her through to the seats in the box, sitting down next to her leaving the seat open next to the aisle next to you free.

"Don't worry babe, you'll get it once it keeps going and trust me it feels like it goes on forever."

"Well that's my point. I don't want to sound ungrateful but why didn't you give the seats to someone who knows about all this, someone who'd enjoy being here."

"Oh trust me, you'll enjoy being here in a minute." Keeley giggled to herself.

"What have you done?"

"Just you wait and see babe." You groaned at her smugness as you go on your phone scrolling through Instagram. "Rebecca." Keeley squeals beside you, as you glance up in the corner of your eye to see Rebecca Welton standing right beside you.

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