What it would be like to date Orla - OM

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- always draws you

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- always draws you

- or draws your favourite things or draws you random things like a little frog with a sweet message and pass the to you during lessons or even when on your own

- you frame all her drawings

- only shared her sweets with you

- shared headphones you guys don't have headphones of your own you only have one between the two of you

- record/vinyl shopping together!!!!!

- you and Sarah are so close if you and Orla weren't dating Sarah would adopt you

- you're close with the rest of the family but there's never a Saturday where you, Orla and Sarah go to towns and shop together

- you let her ramble all the time to the point where she tires herself out and falls asleep on you but you don't care

- even though you lot love each other dearly = both annoy Erin (not on purpose.... most of the time)

- when there were arguments at Quinn house you and Orla would be in the background literally eating popcorn waiting for Erin to get scared by Mary

- making up dance routines together

- binge watching tv shows

- you fav tv show to watch is Only Fools and Horse, there's an on going argument of which one out of the two of you are Rodney, you claim it's her and she's says it's you

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