Cry Just a Little Bit - RB

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this is what I want in life I just want to dance with a partner this closely

I was listening to the song 'cry just a little bit' by Shakin Stevens whilst writing this cause that childhood reminds me a slow dances at wedding idk

You were sat alone at the table of the benefit, you were on the table with Ted, Nate, Roy, Jamie and Keeley, Roy taking you as his plus one being close friends and also him forcing you to come after your break up.

You always knew it was going to be risky dating your boss, as well as her being newly divorced from an absolute arsehole who made a surprise showing which didn't help with Rebecca's or even your current mood. You broke it off with Rebecca as you couldn't help being a secret anymore, it was fun to begin with always sneaking around, sneaking a hand on the thigh during meetings to tease the other, but once she treated you like you were invisible in front of other people you knew it wasn't going to get any better.

Just because you didn't want to continue with the relaxation ship it still fucking broke you, and even how you left thing broke you even more, you hit her with it randomly in her office, watching her face drop you knew you couldn't help with whatever response she came up with so you silently walked out leaving her with her own thoughts. It was now extremely awkward between the two of you, Keeley had befriended the two of you recently and unfortunately had to split herself in two having to see you separately on your wish not being able to face Rebecca.

Now you were here, the last place you wanted to be on your own where you were bound to see Rebecca on her own aswell. You sat uncomfortably in the dress your forced yourself into earlier, downing whatever alcoholic drink you could as you watched everyone dance to the last minute artist Ted had magically found.

"Come on." A hand tapped you on the shoulder then holding out to you. You looked up to see Rebecca giving you a warm smile. "I know how much you love to dance."

"I'm okay thank you though."

"Come on Y/n, we can be friends that dance together for one song can't we?"

"I told you I don't want to, I'm not in the mood." You placed your champagne glass on the table picking up your purse walking off.

"Where are you going?"

"Toilet... or does that have to be a secret aswell?" You yelled as you stormed through the toilets fanning your eyes to do whatever to stop the welling tears from falling. "Pull yourself together, you're a big girl." You talked to yourself as you walked out fixing up any ruined make up before walking out. Stopping outside the toilet door letting a guilty sigh when you saw Rebecca in the position you were in just a few minutes ago. Sat in your seat downing her drink as she watched everyone else dance, the musician gone off the stage and music playing through the speakers instead.

You took a deep breathe as you walked back over to her. You stood beside her in front of the table as she looked up at you. Not yet making eye contact with her you loved your purse beside her on the table holding out your hand to her. "Who say's friends can't slow dance together?" You swear her beaming smile that appeared on her face could have lit up the room as she placed her hand in yours ontertwining her fingers into yours, lingering her hand there for a while before she stood up, you leading her to the dance floor. There were a few couples on the floor including Beard and his girlfriend Jane looking extremely uncomfortable, also Rupert and his new model. You noticed Rebecca looking over at them sadly as you placed your hand on her shoulder, you moved your hand to her cheek, resting a finger underneath her chin as you turned her head back to you. "Ignore them. They don't exist at the moment." You placed both your hands, Rebecca's heart sinking at the loss of your warm hand on hers as she placed her hands just under your arms, regretting her decision as she wasn't sure what to do with herself.

You gave her a warm smile to reassure her as you remained eye contact for a while. You moved your hand down behind your back to hold her hand yet again, moving the hand still on her shoulder round to the back of her neck, enveloping her in a warm hug, as she felt more comfortable to move her hands round to the back of your waist. A warm beaming smile painted on both your faces, aswell as a warm, fuzzy feeling surrounding your whole body. You moved your head so the side was resting on her shoulder as you placed a delicate kiss to the corner of her neck.

"I was thinking..." Rebecca spoke in no more than a whisper as you hummed in response for her to go on. "It's a bit weird friends slow dancing like this isn't it?"

"Yeah kinda, we'll have to sort that out." Rebecca chuckled as she felt your smile against her neck. The chuckle of laughter turning into small tears flowing down her cheeks as she pulled both your and her hand to her chest leaning her head on yours not wanting this embrace to be over.

"It's okay... I don't hate you if that's what you're worried about... it's not a habit of mine to dance with people I don't like." Rebecca painted a watery smile to her face as she started lightly tracing her fingers round your revealed back from the dress. "You wanna go for a drink after this?" There was a moment of silence as Rebecca internally panicked that you'd immediately turn it down.

"I'd love to." You nodded against her shoulder. "Just anywhere but here."

"Restocked all the wine at mine."

"Smooth as always."

"Thank you."

"I think it's a good idea though, last place I want to be is a loud club or a rowdy pub full of drunk men staring at my arse... or yours." You both chuckle.

"Can we do this everyday aswell?"

"Do what? Dance?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Hold each other."

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