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Year: 1660

Y/n was in her own little corner of the upstairs part of the cottage as there were no distinct rooms but she preferred it like this, any way it was easy for her to escape, all she needed was a book and whatever was going on around her was a blur.

"Y/n." Sarah ran up to Y/n sat on her bed with her head stuck in a book again. Y/n only hummed in response giving Sarah a quick glance that was until she noticed the tears streaming down Sarah's cheeks as her head whipped towards Sarah, completely abandoning her book. 

"Love, what's wrong?" Y/n cupped her cheeks as Sarah moved to sit beside her on the edge of the bed. 

"I messed up, Winnie sent me out to lure a child into the cottage but my voice went strange and I was nearly seen and I ran back here and Winnie yelled at me for failing."

"Hun it's not your fault, I noticed that you were coughing for the past few days you've probably caught a cold, you'll be fine but you need to rest your voice. 

"But I failed at my job, I am here, now and forever useless."

"Don't be silly." Y/n chuckled slightly. "Your cold will gone in a few days if you rest properly. And you're not useless, you've got another important job that you do a wonderful job of every single day."

"What?" Sarah raised an eyebrow not completely believing Y/n. 

"Making me happy."

"I love you." 

"I love you more my darling." Y/n enveloped Sarah in a warm, tight hug, as Sarah leaned down to rest her chest against listening to her heartbeat knowing it'd calm her. 

Y/n placed her hand out for Sarah knowing she'd want to do something else, play with her rings, her favourite being the most precious to Y/n, and therefore in a way Sarah, the ring that was passed down to Y/n from her grandmother, well that was before she was banished from her village and disowned by her whole family, Y/n keeping hold of the ring and fleeing before they could get it from her. 


Year: 1993

When you first arrived back in Salem after 300 years, the first thing the love of your life did was get a splinter in her finger whilst scrambling round the beams for her lucky rat tails. 

"How for goodness sake." Winnie rolled her eyes.

"Well how do we get that out?" Y/n raised Sarah hand up to her face to look at the splinter properly before showing it to Winnie.

"That's not my problem." Winnie yelled at her before talking to Mary of how they were going to get the children back that recently escaped.

"It really hurts." Sarah pouted at Y/n.

"I know love." Y/n looked quickly to see if Winnie and Mary were distracted enough. "Come on." Y/n grabbed Sarah's wrist, not her hand scared she might hurt her even more, as she dragged her outside.

"Where are we going my darling?"

"On a quest to get that out of your hand." She lifted her dress as they both hesitated to go over the road that had appeared from last time they were at their humble cottage. Y/n eventually led the both of them into a building, of course neither of them noticing it was a record shop.

"Excuse me, kind Sir." They both walked up to the man behind the counter. "Who do I get this out of my darling's hand?"

"Um... tweezers."

"What are these tweezers you speak of? And where can I can some?"

"You use them to get those, splinters, out." He pointed to Sarah's finger. "And um I have a pair here." He hesitantly placed a pair of tweezers in Y/n's hands as they sat at two chairs in the shop. 

"Do you know how to do this?" Sarah looked at Y/n worriedly.

"I just pick it up with the end of this I'm guessing, might aswell try." Y/n leaned down and pointed the tweezers to Sarah's finger as Sarah immediately scrunched up her face in fear, her eyes closing and her hand grasping Y/n's free hand, immediately spinning Y/n's rings round her fingers.   


Year: 2022

Winnie was arguing with the three teenagers trying to stop them to cast the spell that would make them unstoppable but it was too late, they'd already cast it and all witches were unbelievably happy. 

"Y/n." Sarah whispered to her lover. 

"Yes my love."

"I don't feel well."

"It's probably the amount of power making you feel light head-" Y/n looked down as she felt Sarah's grasp on her hand loosen. "Winnie." Y/n teared up yelling for the oldest sister to stop arguing with the teenagers.

"Y/n what's happening."

"Winnie, her feet they're disappearing what's happening?"

"Y/n, the wind..."

"Sarah come here." Y/n pulled her into her. "I knew this was always your favourite." Y/n smiled with tears as she took her grandmother's ring off and placed it on her ring finger on the left hand. "Keep it with you and close to your heart, I'll never forget you Sarah Sanderson."

"I'll never forget you either, my love."

"I love you my darling."

"I love you more." Sarah rested her forehead against her lover's as her hands shook in Y/n's as she felt herself fade away, as well as Mary. "Goodbye."

"Why have I not faded? Why have you not faded Winnie, I should be wherever Sarah is now. Instead I'm stuck here... without Sarah here, I fear I don't have enough to stay in this world. I promised her the world and yet, I'm stuck in it alone."

I'm sorry

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