Admire - Orla

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requested by: scarlettsweisz

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requested by: scarlettsweisz


"What's up with her like?" Michelle nodded towards Orla, who was sat beside Erin, who was next to Michelle, both Erin and Michelle watching Orla staring at Y/n, from across the table talking to
Clare about a new movie that she saw the other night. 

"She's just being Orla, you know abnormal. There was a lawnmower advert on the other night Granda paused it at dinner, she was staring at it for ages because she like the colour." Michelle eyebrows furrowed at Erin's story. "Don't ask." Erin sighed shaking her head. 


The girls and James were all crammed on the sofa whilst watching a movie on the tele, Orla not paying any attention to it as she kept brushing Y/n's hair with her fingers, plaiting parts of her hair then starting all over again.

"Orla do you even know what's happening?" Erin asked her cousin.

"Huh?" Orla turned to her cousin in confusion.

"Never mind." Erin shook her head but continued to glance over to her cousin fascinated by Y/n's hair every now and then shaking her head in embarrassment. 


The girls, all except from Y/n, were at the Quinn house in Erin's bedroom just spending time together. Y.n couldn't be there because she was visiting her grandparents. "Orla what's up with you?" Michelle questioned.

"Nothing." Orla shrugged tiredly as she snuggled up on the armchair, hugging her knees. 

"Is that a new cardigan?" Clare asked.

"No Y/n gave it to me because I was cold, I was supposed to give it back to her."

"Why haven't you?"

"It smells too good!"

"Anyway.." Michelle quickly changed the subject. "I'm bored let's go watch a movie. I heard Heathers was good."

"Nooo." Orla whined. "That's got Y/n's favourite actress in it Winona Ryder and she hasn't watched it yet, I promised her I'd be there with her to see it."


"Hey guys." Y/n walked into Jenny's party with a big smile. 

"Hi love." All the girls greeted in unison as Orla squealed with excitement, Y/n doing so in return as she hugged Orla tightly, Orla feeling her cheeks burning up. 

"Y/n?' orla caught the girl's attention as they pulled away from the hug. "Have you got a new perfume?"

"Umm yeah, I ran out of my last one, what does it not smell nice?"

"Not it smells lovely." Orla reassured. 

"Oh okay thank god. Okay, I'll be back in a minute I'm just gonna get a drink, I'll get you one aswell love." She spoke to Orla. "You look hot, you've gone all red." She pointed out not noticing, Clare, Michelle's and Erin's mouths flying wide open in realisation. 

"What?" Orla looked at her friends as she waved Y/n off into the kitchen.

"YOU LIKE Y/N?!" The three girls screamed at once.


"Oh come off it, we didn't even realise she had a normal perfume let alone that she changed perfumes, you went all red when she hugged you tightly, you play with her hair all the time, AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HOW LONG YOU STARE AT HER LIKE A CREEP." Michelle rambled.

"I thought it was sweet." Clare added.

"Me too." Y/n smirked.

"Holy fuck." Michelle gasped when she realised Y/n had reappeared. 

"Um.." Y/ slightly chuckled at everyone's reactions. "I just wanted to ask you Orla love, do you want squash or just water?"

"Squash please."

"Orange?" Orla nodded. 

"Okay, also two things, Michelle learn to whisper, well all of you but Michelle I heard you mainly, and Orla I want my cardigan back, but if you love it that much I'll get you another one similar to it, seeing as you like my perfume a lot aswell I'll get you some of that as well." She chuckled again as she walked back into the kitchen.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" Michelle yelled.

"I think Orla just got herself a partner before the rest of us." Erin mumbled to herself, just loud enough to be hard by everyone. 

"Michelle you owe me three pounds!" Clare states.


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