"Well..." The doctor trailed off. "Don't you dare sugarcoat it. I have been through this before. I have seen her. She isn't coming back." I said. "Miss..." He trailed off again. "You can't hide it all from me. Do you think I don't see her internal injuries? Why am I even the one making this decision? I'm just a kid." I cried. "You're the most immediate family she has, and you're 18, so a legal adult" he said. "Give me the papers..." I said. "Ma'am, you should think this through..." He said. "I have. On the small chance she will actually wake up, she'd suffer. She would be in constant pain. I don't want that for my mom" I said. He slowly handed me the paperwork and I cried filling it out.
I then called everyone who would want to say goodbye. My grandma is dead, my grandpa abused her and I never met him becuase he hates us. I called her best friend Allison. Then I called her sister, who is also my aunt Megan. That was about it. We have a broken family.
It took about an hour for them both to show up. After they did, they brought us to the room my mom was in. They asked me for the paperwork and I handed it to them, crying. "Are you ready?" The nurse asked. I shook my head. "No... Go ahead though. I'll never be ready." I cried.
She began to unplug all the machines and we all cried. "I don't want her to go yet..." I cried. My aunt hugged me from the side. "It's okay. She's o-okay. Let her sleep..." She said, crying. The nurse unplugged the last machine.
My mom was lifeless, almost. Her body kept trying to breathe and she couldn't. About a minute, that felt like a lifetime she stopped and flat lined. The nurse turned off the monitor.
Eventually, I was expected to go home and plan a funeral. I did just about that. Well, almost.