Chapter 6

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I woke up. Not rembering what had happened after reading that letter, and I had a text from my aunt. It was a reminder that my mom's funeral is tomorrow. But why is it so late? What kind of funeral is at 8 pm?

Then I realized I was in my bed. Clara must have put me there. "Clara?" I called. I guess she left. I checked the time on my phone. It's 1:42 pm. How long did I sleep?

I went to my closet and got out my black dress. The only dress I own. Then my black heels, and black hair clip. I wear a lot of black. I put my dress on a hanger on put it on my closet door handle, with my heels on the floor directly underneath it, then clipped the hair clip to my dress. Wow, I'm ready for tomorrow then. How fun...

I went downstairs just as my front door opened. It was Clara. "Oh you're awake." She said. "Unfortunately" I said, flopping down on the couch. "Hey now, don't be that way" she said, as I heard her set something more than likely made of glass on the counter. "I get to be this way. I hate everything." I said, facedown in the couch.

I stayed on the couch and I heard cupboards opening and closing and glass cups being set down and something being poured. "I don't want water." I said. She began walking towards me. "It isn't water." She said. I sat up and she immediately handed it to me. "You need this" what?

"No, I don't need a shot. I'm underage, stupid." I said laying down on my back. "Do I look like I care? You do need it. Before you do something stupid" she said sitting me back up. "One. That's it" I said drinking it. "Eww what the fuck, I thought you loved me" she laughed at me. "I do. You'll thank me later."

After a few hours we had gone through the whole bottle. Which wasn't very big, but we definitely were not sober. I was dizzy and my vision was not completly clear but I could think fine. It was already 5 pm. I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered a pizza. The two of us spent the night eating pizza and watching TV.

I woke up and had a headache. Dammit. Its also 3pm already. I have places to be. I began getting ready to go with Clara. We took forever, because we can, and I didn't want to move or think. It was mostly her dragging me around making me get ready Then I drove us to the funeral. Of course we got stuck in traffic.

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