Chapter 21

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I need to be able to control my powers before I can take her down, and without destroying the house. It will be mine soon enough. I can't let it get destroyed. I better practice elsewhere. Maybe the dungeon, but first I need toys.

I got my sunglasses and put on a black coat full of inside pockets. I wandered the house a bit until I found a large walk in closet. I took black heels and a natural looking blonde wig. I put them both on, nobody can trace my crimes based on appearance this way. I then headed into town, I took my car. The one I stole last time I went into town. Hopefully I'll find something better to drive. The car I have currently is an ugly shade of green, it's only a 2004, which is good, but its tiny, and the couple that had it before me didn't keep it very clean. I'm probably wanted for grand theft auto now too, which is a nuisance, even if cops are easy as hell to take down. I'm better off stealing cash to buy a car.

Once I got to town, I began pickpocketing easy targets at the mall. In just minutes I had the wallets of dozens of people. I went into a fitting room and checked all my pockets. I took all the money from the wallets and counted it. I had four thousand and eighty seven dollars. One of the people kept two thousand dollars on him. It wasn't enough so I repeated the process until it was. I always took random clothes in with me that looked to be about my size, this way nobody questioned me. It took about an hour, but I accumulated enough for a car. People in that mall all together lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. All because of me, hah. I found some debit and credit cards, but those are more easily traceable.

I went to the car dealership and bought a brand new camaro. It was only a few years old, and black. It wouldn't stand out anymore than other new cars. Perfect. I didn't feel like making payments every month, so I payed it all up front. I had to do paperwork along with it, ugh. I had no trouble passing for 18, allowing me to buy the car.

Afterwards I drove off and bought some rope and duct tape. I'm sure you can imagine the looks I got. "Holiday decorating can be a pain, am I right?" I said jokingly with a fake laugh. The cashier agreed with me as she smiled and handed me my receipt. I went to my car, drove off once again, and found a few teenage girls walking and talking about wishing they had fake IDs. I pulled up next to them, and being a teenager myself, getting them was easy. I wouldn't even need the rope or tape. I simply pulled the zipper on my jacket down, exposing cleavage before they saw me. This made what I was about to say way more believable. I made sure to talk like a total slut who was also under the influence.

"Hey! You guys wanna ride to the club with me? I have connections and I can like totally get you all in! You won't even have to pay and they won't question your age!" I giggled. Eww. I feel like a super girly teenager.

"Oh my god, yes! You're amazing! What was your name?" One asked as they piled in the car. "Rachel" I responded as I drove off. "Oh my god, me too." She said. "Twinnies!" I giggled.

EWW. Abort mission! Wait! No! Don't abort! Ugh, I hate this.

"Hell yeah!" She said. I turned up the radio on some pop station. More eww... "Are you sure you know where you're going Rachel?" One asked, one that hadn't even spoken yet. "Oh yeah, I'm positive." I said. After we were out of town, so I could avoid speeding tickets, I sped to 90. Wow, these girls are dumb. We pulled up to the house and I got out. "Guys... We shouldn't be here. We shouldn't have taken a ride!" One whispered.

I pulled a knife and held it to one girls throat. "You're all coming with me, or your little friend is dead." I said, laughing. The girl I had hostage began to cry. "Guys please don't leave me!" She cried out. "W-we won't!" One stuttered. The other stayed quiet, she kept glancing over. Obviously debating whether or not to go. "Jenny!" She cried. "Oh, how sad. Jenny won't save you. Awh, poor little thing. How about this?" I pulled another knife and held it to the other girl's side. The one that was going to leave. "Can't leave now, can you?" I said, walking inside with the two. "See you inside" I whispered. The last girl cried as she ran after me, with her two friends being held at my blades.

I took them to the dungeon and locked the first two in different cells. The third was to be next, but she pulled a gun, and aimed it right at my forehead.

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