Chapter 10 - The Sigh of Relief

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"I need a redo on this sandwich, she didn't say no pickle, and now she's claiming she's allergic," Ashton droned to the men in the kitchen, setting the red basket on the counter so they could dispose of it properly.

Usually if someone just "didn't ask for something" on their order, they would just remove it in the back and pretend they remade it. With allergies (or in this case "allergies" as Ashton assumed, since she hadn't said anything earlier in the evening) they had to remake everything so as "not to harm the customer".

It was Saturday evening, and the bar was chaotically busy. Ashton had a total of 9 tables, all full with groups of 4+ people. His largest party was 12, and he had been with them for such a long time because they couldn't figure out what they wanted to order. It was a birthday celebration for an older gentleman, and Ashton thought he was adorable. He was one of those cute older people who made funny jokes and didn't get upset over small things. The mans son had apologized for the people he was with and even promised Ashton a huge tip later in the evening, so those two factors urged Ashton to take extra special care of them, even when the toddler kept spilling her drink all over the table and floor. He was there quickly with a towel and a new cup.

Ashton was a little bummed that Calum was off that night. He claimed he had a "family thing" to attend; who cared that his goddaughter had a dance recital? Ashton needed him there so they could tag team and make things easier for each other. He didn't exactly want to be Calum's friend because that could get messy and screw things up, but he would be friendly with him while they were working.

"Ash, how's it going?"

Another reason Ashton wanted Calum there was because he needed the man to be a buffer between him and their manager. It's not that no one liked the manager—he was a fine enough person. He did well by his employees, he joked around, he fit in with their vibes. There was just something about him that made Ashton feel funny. Nothing had happened, but sometimes you just meet someone and they don't sit well with you. That was this man to Ashton.

He had never mentioned his feelings to anybody, because they all seemed to have no issues with the man, but Ashton felt a bit of anxiety in his stomach whenever the man was present at the restaurant.

"It's going just fine, Carter," Ashton smiled at him before picking up his newly fixed order and going to deliver it.

He spent a few minutes out on the floor, checking in on his tables, making sure they had everything they needed. Ketchup for 12, napkins for the baby at 15, two sprites and a water for 16. He ran back into the kitchen to grab those things, and Carter was still standing in the same place Ashton left him 5 minutes ago. He busied himself with the cups, getting ice and filling them with the soda gun, acutely aware of the fact that Carter was staring him down with a smile.

"But for real, outside of this place, how are you?" the boss moved closer so he was within normal talking distance. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Kevin and the kitchen boys back behind the counter, doing something inappropriate with a tortilla, all of them laughing hysterically while Kevin blushed and pretended he wasn't paying attention. Carly and Megan were at the other end of the kitchen restocking some things in the cooler. There were people around (not that it would come to that) but just in case. He felt uneasy.

"I'm good, nothing crazy. How are you?"

Carter hummed, picking up an empty cup and tossing it between his hands. He was leaning against the counter, facing Ashton.

"I'm really good," he smiled, his green eyes lighting up. Maybe Ashton didn't like the fact that it seemed Carter had a little crush on him. His extreme desire to not mix work and pleasure turned him off to any of the people at his job, and maybe that's what made him feel uneasy.

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