Chapter 24 - Consequences

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Ashton closed his eyes, trying one of his therapy techniques and taking a deep breath in for four counts and out for four to calm himself.

He was back to work for the first time since his hospitalization. To say he was nervous was an understatement.

Luke hadn't wanted him to go back so soon (even though 3 weeks since discharge really wasn't that soon). Although he also liked their arrangement, he needed to get back to work. Regardless of what happened he still had bills to pay, and being out of work for 2 months definitely set him behind. His landlord thankfully was understanding and gave him a few months reprieve before he had to pay again, but even that was just around the corner, not to mention the hospital stay added on to his medical bills.

So yeah, he had to go back.

    He took a hesitant step through the door, slipping into the back before anyone could see him.


    Or he thought.    

    He turned around to find Kevin's bright, smiling face. He'd missed the old man, and made his way over.

    "Hi, Kevin, how have you been?"

    Kevin gave him a nasty glare.

    "You think Imma waste even a second talkin' bout me when you disappear fo' 2 months without a word?" he asked, shocked. "Nah, you gotta start talking, kid."

    Ashton smiled and shook his head. He knew Kevin had a feeling for the dramatics.

    "I'm okay, Kev, I promise. I'm much better now."

    Kevin gave him a once over before nodding.

    "You look it. You was giving me a scare back then," he shook his head, and then pulled a surprised Ashton in for a hug, ending it with a little kiss on his head. "I'm happy to have you back safe, Ash."

    "Yeah, me too," he whispered.

    "Now, let's get to work."

    The rest of the morning dragged on with people saying hello to Ashton and expressing how much they missed him. Even a few regular customers had commented on how they hadn't seen him in a while. He gave them each an excuse about vacation or taking time off that shut them up, and he was thankful no one really asked too many questions about anything.

    He couldn't be happier to get back into his routine. He had the usual nice people who left him a decent tip, the rude ones who left little to nothing, and his coworkers must have been able to sense that he didn't want any questions, because they treated him like nothing was wrong. It was shaping up to be a good day.

    Luke had been texting him throughout the morning, though he knew Ashton couldn't always answer. He did respond when he could, smiling a secret little smile at how worried the man was, even through text. It made Ashton's heart flutter, something he hadn't allowed himself to feel for a while.

    "I'll be right back with a refill, okay, sweetheart?" he said to a little kid who held up his empty cup of sprite with both chubby little hands. The little boy smiled and nodded, squeaking out a little thank you, to which Ashton's heart melted. He was absolutely adorable.

    Ashton couldn't think of anything that would ruin his mood.

    "How's everyone today?" the voice that haunted his nightmares cooed out, causing Ashton to freeze as he filled little Benny's cup.

    He couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't breathe. He wasn't sure why he didn't think about the first time he'd see Carter back at work, but he hadn't prepared for it at all. He'd been focused on managing his emotions and getting back to normal, not how to face the man who abused him.

    "Ashton's back today!" Calum cheered, leaning against the counter and grinning at the man next to the beverage station.

    Carter looked over, like he hadn't known he would be there. Calum had kindly submitted his schedule for him so he wouldn't have to make an additional trip to the restaurant whilst he was in recovery. Carter made the schedule, and maybe something in the back of Ashton's mind had known Carter usually had off on Thursday's, and that's why he'd made his first day then. That way he could get used to being back, but not have to deal with him.

    "Well look at that! Ash, so good to see you!" Carter called, but Ashton still couldn't move.

    Turn around, dumbass, he scolded himself. No one could know anything went on between them.

    Footsteps were getting closer to him, so he set the cup down with great effort and faced his boss.

    "Hello, Ash, we're thrilled to have you back!" he held his arms out for a hug and it took everything in him not to flinch. He wasn't sure he did a great job, because Calum gave him a funny look over Carter's shoulder where Ashton's face was pressed. Ashton shrugged slightly, mouthing "this is weird" to Calum who chuckled lightly, brushing it off.

    "Y-you too, it's nice to be back," he said softly. Carter squeezed him tightly—too tightly—before letting go.

    He laughed his usual, boisterous laugh, clapping a hand on Ashton's shoulder.

    "It's all right, man, we all need a little break sometimes. I'm sure you can figure out a way to make up all the time off, right?" he winked at Ashton, and only he knew what that meant. Everyone else laughed, chalking that up to another one of Carter's jokes. The man loved to joke and tease everyone. Wasn't that just great?

    "I gotta..." he held up the cup, scurrying out to the dining room. He could feel Carter's eyes on him as he walked outside, shaky hands delivering the cup to the boy. He giggled up at Ashton who just hurried past the table and into the bathroom.

    Luke had made him a lovely breakfast (well, Harry made it, but Luke put the bread in the toaster and brought it to him in bed, so that was something) and Ashton cringed as it all made its way back up and into the toilet. Carter's touch was like poison to him, even something innocent like a hug, and it made him sick.

He knew what Carter meant that he'd "make it up to him", and he wasn't going to like the consequences of being off and unavailable for 2 months. 


Uh oh.


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