Chapter 15 - Budding Romances

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It started out as a kind of crappy day.

Nothing bad happened, just the weather was overcast, misting rain and fog the only thing visible out Ashton's window. The loud sounds of the city traffic could be heard, cars and busses splashing through large puddles below. He even still heard people shouting and screaming even though the weather dictated they should have kept inside.

He woke up early, even though he didn't have to be to work until 1pm. He had a shorter shift, not a double; he'd finish up around 8 or so after finishing his work. But still, his body got him up at 7:30 because for the last 3 days he'd had the morning shift.

He lazed around in bed until it was time to get up and shower. He skipped going for a run because of the gross weather. He didn't fancy having to hurdle puddles and get his hair soaking wet from the mist so that it kept flopping forward into his face.

When it was time to get up, he made himself toast, slightly burning the edges because he took a couple seconds too long going to pee while it toasted.

He changed into his clothes only a few minutes before he had to go, but still spilled a bit of coffee on his shirt in his haste to leave.

It wasn't the end of the world, but all those little things added up and just irritated him. He was careful on his way to work, taking the crowded subway instead of taking his chances in the slightly heavier rain above ground.

When he made it, he got his section, noting Calum and Louis working. At least that was a good sign.

"I'll take you lovely ladies to your table," Ashton offered this group of four older ladies who had just hung up their rain coats and hats.

"How charming," one of them crooned, rushing forward to take his arm. He grinned, showing them where to sit and pulling out each chair for them. He recognised them from a few weeks ago, he thought they were some sort of church group who went out every so often.

He got them settled, bringing tea and coffee while he let them look over the menu.

Now that he was at work, things seemed to be much brighter than the morning, and he was glad.

He hadn't seen Luke since 4 days ago when Harry dropped him home in the middle of the night. Luke had texted him the morning after, telling him (again) that he didn't have to leave like that, but Ashton had blown him off, simply saying he had to be up early for his shift, which was true, and he didn't want to be in the way when Luke had to be up for work.

Since then Luke had sent him a few texts just checking in which Ashton answered curtly. He asked to hang out every night, but Ashton declined all of them. He needed to start cutting the man off, he was getting too comfortable with him, seeing how he could fit into Luke's life, and that wasn't his goal. He didn't do relationships, regardless of how nice it seemed in the beginning. He knew that no matter how well they got along, or how good the sex was, it wasn't worth it in the end. He would always get hurt. There was always something hidden that would come up a few months, or even years that would turn his life around for the worse. He couldn't trust anybody, which is why he kept his flings meaningless and people in general at a distance.

So when Luke texted the next night asking to see him, Ashton had to turn him down.

Luke was persistent though. He was a man who was used to getting what he wanted, but Ashton knew he needed to take a little break. Luke's texts had started to get more frequent though, asking if he'd done something wrong and blaming himself, then the apology texts began before they stopped all together. Ashton realised he hadn't gotten a single text from him today, which was odd. Yesterday he'd gotten 11 throughout the course of the afternoon. Maybe that was another reason his morning seemed off.

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