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"You sure you're ready, Angioletto? We don't have to go up there if you don't want,"

"No, I'm ready." Ashton grabbed his boyfriend's hand, slipping out the car and pulling him with him. "Let's go,"

Today Ashton was released from rehab. Again. It was much better the second go around, because he was actually willing to try, to do better for himself.

Since finding out that Carter had been arrested for rape, assault, and blackmail (3 life sentences he was convicted of. Luke's lawyers were the best and went for the highest punishment. Carter never stood a chance), he felt lighter. The pictures were deleted from his phone, and Ashton felt free. Luke had played a big part in that; he wasn't kidding when he said he had amazing lawyers. Carter had been thrown away faster than anyone could blink. So now all Ashton had to do now was figure out how to trust people so he could move on with his life.

He wasn't a fool, he knew that wouldn't happen overnight, but he was willing to put in the work. He'd been in rehab for 3 months, actually trying to get somewhere. He had laughed when he realized he was like that girl from his first hospitalization that he mocked for taking her sweatshirt off for the first time in front of others—nervous to share a part of himself but feeling good. That's how he felt now, and he couldn't be happier.

    Though he'd been in the facility for 3 months, he had little contact with anyone on the outside. Luke and Calum had been able to visit him twice, but he knew he needed to work on himself, by himself. He worried what that meant for him and Luke, but the blonde had told him not to worry about that. They'd talk after Ashton had worked some things out. Ashton was glad to know that Luke was still waiting for him upon his release. There was no one else Ashton felt more comfortable with than him.

    He and Luke walked up the steps to his apartment where his 'release party' was being held. He'd agreed now that he was actually making progress, he would have a party. There was finally something to celebrate.

    With a giddy look at Luke, he unlocked the door to his apartment, grinning even before people jumped out with a cheer. "Surprise!" they called, even though it wasn't a surprise.

    "Thanks, guys," he went right up to Calum, Louis, and Harry and hooked them into a big hug. "How ya been?"

    "How have we been?" Louis scoffed. "How about you, man? I haven't talked to you in months!"

    "All right, let's sit down and chat, then. Are there any snacks?" he looked around, hoping Harry would have cooked something. The man nodded, happily running into the kitchen to grab some refreshments.

    Ashton sat down with his friends and told them what he'd been working on. Of course they all knew some things because the bar had been shut down for a while when Carter had been arrested, but they hadn't heard Ashton's part.

    "Are you fucking kidding? The award show was just a scam to get you into bed with him?" Louis seethed. "And we all sent you with him because we thought you deserved some fun," he sneered, disgusted with himself. He couldn't believe this shit was happening under his own nose and he didn't even realize.

    "Please don't blame yourself. I could have asked for help, but I didn't. I thought I could do it alone, and that was foolish of me." Ashton told him. "You wouldn't have done that if I'd said something,"

    "It isn't your fault, Ash," Luke whispered, gently rubbing his sides. Luke and Ashton were sitting in one of the arm chairs together, Luke's legs open slightly so Ashton could sit between them, his back resting against Luke's chest, with the blonde's arms wrapped around him. Ashton absently played with his fingers, happy to be back and able to cuddle his boyfriend. "Never let yourself believe anything that happened was your fault. You were in a sucky circumstance, and you made some choices, but you're not to blame."

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