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Shane listened as Zane talked. Zane talked and talked. He opened up the the small boy. He really did have a thing for the boy, more than just a sexual attraction. He wanted a real date with the boy. He was infatuated. So, he opened up a little about his childhood car accident, how he didn't like being in car because of said accident. But, that's as far as he was comfortable opening up about. After all, he can't open up to people anymore. He's working for Big B again. And he's not leaving until he's truly done. Shane pulled the taller man into a hug, Zane swallowed in shock. He didn't know how to respond, but after a minute he hugged back.

"I don't like being a charity case, so please don't pity me," he whispers out.

"You've got it all wrong," Shane looks up from Zane chest. "Thank you for opening up about that, I'm sure it's not easy," he steps away slowly. "I'd love to walk with you to a coffee shop after school," Shane giggled lightly.

Zane bites his lip, looking down at the boy. "Oh, Little Emo," he grins and throws his head back. He laughs lightly, then looks back down at a pink faces Shane. "Shall we call this a date then, Shane?"

"Yes," Shane grins back. Zane grabs his hands. "Yes, it's a date. Are you sure it's cool for my friends to come to the party thought?"

"Of course. I like them, especially the butch. What was her name again?"

"Gill. She's like my sister, older than me by a year. Best friend since birth."

"So, her and I are the same age, 18?"

"Yeah. She tries to intimidate, she means well. She really does. Every since Jay turned his back on me, she's cold to everyone who try's to talk to me. She's just protective."

"So," Zane starts taking Shane back toward the school from the football feild. "You and Jay, used to be friends huh?"

"Sorta. We had a thing going on between us. I got drunk, kissed him in front of his jackass friends, and rumors spread fast. They all thought he was straight, I mean he is, but I was like an exception or something. Everyone thought I forced myself on him. At first he tried to deny the rumors. He got backlash for protecting me, so I tried to protect him. I wanted him to have his friends back, I loved him, I wanted him to have his family back, I wanted him to be happy. So, I kinda threw myself to the wolves. The rumors that I forced Jay still go around. At first he was at peace with it just being rumors. They put him back on the team, and his friends started abusing me. Then something in him snapped. He started beating me too. That's when I realized he never did love me, and I stopped loving him."

"Holy shit, that's more deep then I thought it was going to be. I knew the rumors weren't true. You're too fragile and small, there's no way in hell you'd do something awful like that. What a dickhead," Zane throws his hand in the air.

"Who's a dickhead?" Jason.

Zane smiles and turns to the jock.

"The dickhead of the hour, how nice to see you again. What's happened to your back up? Here alone today?" Zane says, but he grip on Shane's hand tightens.

"I'm not here for a fight. I just want to talk," Jason's hands go up.

"Talk? To whom?"

"Shane, obviously."

"Sorry, no can do," Zane sighs. "Can you hold this for me, Little Emo?" Zane let's go of his hand and takes off his backpack. Shane grabs the bag reluctantly. "There will be no 'talking' to my friend here," Zane pulls out an elastic hair tie and pulls his long hair into a messy bun. "If you really want to, you have to get through me."

"Ya know, school hasn't started yet. So, I'm not gonna get in trouble for beating you to a pulp," Jason cracks his knuckles.

A small group starts to form, phones pulling out of pockets.

Bad Boy And The Emo Fall In-Love (remake)Where stories live. Discover now