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That day Zane was sent on his first mission. It was evening, and the sun was starting to go down now. He was given his gun and given a mask and gloves, then sent away with a file in hand. He met with Ginger in front of the car. Ginger pointed to the passenger, so Zane got inside.

"When they said you were back I didn't believe them, ya know?"

"What can I say? I was built for this job," Zane shrugged and opened the file.

Roma Kirkpatrick: 37 years old, Male, has a large debt. Was watched to find a steady schedule. Thursday: 7 PM, normally goes to a bar called Round The Block. Friday: doesn't work. Doesn't travel by vehicle.

"Roma, looks like he's 40 but he's 37, probably from drinking and stress," Zane said to himself. "96% sure he's at the bar he goes to on Thursdays because he doesn't work on Fridays. I'm guessing Big B already has eyes on him?" He asked Ginger, who rolled his eyes but gave a nod anyway. "Alright, this won't be an issue. How's shit been without me around?"

"Amazing," Ginger gave a sarcastic grin. "Didn't have a little shit blocking the spotlight."

"Funny," Zane faked a laugh, looking back over the file for the tenth time already. "Where's Red and F.D.?"

"Off today. This was supposed to be my lone mission," Ginger sneered.

"Alright, I get it, you're pissed. That is fair honestly, but I needed time to heal. That fucker messed me up," Zane defends himself, putting the file down and putting on his buckle as Ginger finally started driving.

Zane already had a THC gummy in his system to keep him calm during the car ride. B always supplied them for him, as B knew of Zane's PTSD issues.

"It's your fault for running after him," Ginger mocked him, making Zane roll his eyes. "You were the dumbass that chased him."

"What the fuck was I supposed to do then? Let him get away and hurt someone? No, I went after him, he stabbed me, I stabbed him, and he ran away. He turned himself in the next day and paid his debt; there we go! I got the job done at least, I just needed time to fucking heal. Not to mention I was 17 and almost lost my life. I had to go through so much fucking therapy, and it's still not enough. And, thanks to that, B changed shit around here for the better. So, you should fucking thank me if anything!"

"I'm not arguing with a kid over this," Ginger grumbled, following the GPS.

"I'm not a fucking kid. I didn't get to be a kid even when I was a kid. I dont know what I ever did to you, but if you dont get that stick out of your ass, I'll pull it out myself and kill you with it," Zane leaned back in anger, huffing his breath to relax. He really needed Shane at a time like this. "You dont know shit about me, like I dont know shit about you, so for the love of fuck, get off of my ass."

Ginger clenched the wheel, ready to reach over and swat at the teenager next to him, but he held his composure. He knew how teens were, he raised a teenager, and he was only doing this work so he could help pay for his daughter's college fees. He held himself together as they got to the destination. Zane got out first when they arrived, letting the air calm his nerves. Ginger got out and leaned against the hood watching the teen in front of him.

"Keep staring and I'll knock your teeth in," Zane sneered.

"Stop being sensitive," Ginger rolled his eyes and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Wanna smoke to loosen up?"

"I don't smoke, everyone knows this."

"Who knows, things always change," Ginger took out a cigarette and his lighter. "I didn't smoke when I was younger, life changes though."

"I'm not like you."

"But you are. We're both here because we are alike. All we known to do is fight, that's why we're here."

"I'm here because I got people I'm looking out for, people that get protection from me doing this shit. That's why I'm here."

Ginger raised a brow.

"You're just a kid. Who the hell needs to be protected by a kid?"

"You think Im gonna tell you? You've been up my ass for no reason, now you're trying to buddy up?" Zane glared Ginger's way. "Don't."

"I'm not trying to buddy up. You're a kid, people shouldn't be depending on you, you should be depending on others."

"Well you don't know me, and you don't know my life. I don't depend on people, I don't need to, I can help myself."

"Yet you need to help others by doing this shady shit? You should've never come back, B isn't going to simply let you go now that you're back."

"I know, that was a part of our agreement," Zane sighed. "Why are you so interested in conversation now? Realized it's pointless being a dick if we have to work together?"

"No, but you did bring to light something I hadn't thought of in a long time."

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" Zane's eyes lock on a man walking down the street, a little girl in his arms. 

"I do this so I can pay for my daughter's college funds. I live in a shitty studio apartment, 90% of my earnings go to her."

Zane nodded in silence, then looked at his watch and frowned. "Either that's our guy with the kid, or he's really fucking late and not showing. Asked the surveillance guy. We can chit-chat later. I'm gonna tail him, beep me if I'm wrong."

He crossed the street and started the same pace behind the man. It was too suspicious to be out that late with a kid on a school night. He took out his phone and pretended to idle on it while following the pair. If this was their guy, Zane was already planning out a Plan B in his head. He hated scum like this, that take their innocent kids with them when they know they are putting their kids in danger, and hated it more when they take their kids and use it as an excuse. They were always a hassle to deal with.

Quick steps behind him told him that he was right, this was their guy. Ginger matched Zane's pace and gave him a nod. 

"Follow my lead," Zane tapped Ginger's shoulder, and they quickened their pace to be a few feet back. "Roma Kirkpatrick," Zane said starting the man who still held his daughter. "How's it going man?" Zane said with a pep in his voice to appear friendly. They stop walking, and the man quickly turns around and drops his daughter off of his back. "We didn't know you had a daughter," Zane says while lowering his mask to his chin, then offers a friendly smile to the girl.  

"I'm Eva, I'm 8!" She grinned and stepped beside her dad.

"Honey, what did your mommy teach you about talking to strangers?" Roma nervously laughed at the two men in front of him.

"Not to?" The girl asked and crossed her arms.

"And these are strangers, so don't do that again," He gave her a warning look, making her frown.

"Oh Roma, don't be like that," Ginger stepped forward and slung his arm over Roma's shoulders. "We are far from strangers, aren't we?"

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