The school

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Antarctic's PoV

At last, they were in the rainforest. The heat bothered him, although he had no problem traveling through the kingdom of sand. Speaking of The Kingdom Of Sand, there he saw thorn's palace, a random library situated in the middle of nowhere, and more sand. He didn't pass through the scorpion den, with good knowledge of his dad's hardships there. Back to the present, they're now in the rainforest. He saw the shape of the school appearing before him, and alas, he didn't expect it. The school he imagined, was very spacious and had gold and white and blue pattern along the walls. It also had a luxurious fountain at the middle of it, where dragons could wait or plop down to rest their legs. This was nothing like it. The main hallway, wasn't lined with gold and had a white and blue pattern along the walls, they were ordinary black. As well as the space, brr, im getting claustrophobic! Too many people, mostly from other tribes. A minute later of shifting his weight to one foot to another, a nightwing came to them. 

"Hello dear friends! We are happy to have you here at JMA! If you are unfamiliar with the place, here's a map." He paused to give him the map and a good look. "Hmm, my best guess, is that you are four years old?" He continued. "Ah, i know you are tying to address me, but you don't know my name! Well, my names Nightingale! I am the head of the school!" Antarctic hesitated to respond, but his dad did it for him. "Well, uh things have changed around here you know? Before, fatespeaker introduced me to the school ya know?" Nightingale's face showed a shocked expression, or the thought he saw, and said. "How do you know about my MOTHER err, i mean are you friends with my mother? Heheh heh heh ehhh oh." He stopped to see the disapproving face Winter produced. Now he turned to Antarctic. "I think you'll fit right in here," he paused to mark a map he had of the school. The mark landed on the jade winglet. "There. So give this to your teacher in that classroom. Now, hop to it!

Antarctic started to go to his classroom. He turned around, mainly because he wanted some encouragement from his dad. Then, his dad caught on. He mouthed the words ' it'll be all right. '. Then, Antarctic headed towards his classroom, stated on the map. In time he got to the front door, and knocked. Then, he went inside. He checked around immediately and saw his seat. He was sitting beside a sandwing that looked too tall to be four years old. Then he gave the paper to his teacher and then he waited. The teacher spoke "Hello everyone and good morning to a new day at the classroom! Today we welcome our new icewing!" One head perked up at the back of the classroom and said "Why did our old icewing go? Avalanche was fine enough!" She protested. "Well Pineapple, you see he didn't want to be in this class anymore. I know it is hard losing your old friend, but you will always have him in your heart." She paused to look at Antarctic, and thought. "Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot to introduce myself! Anyways, my names Clark. Came from Cleril and Park, my dad's friend." (So that rainwing over there is Pineapple,) thought Antarctic. He really wasn't used to being around dragonets from other tribes. He clenched his teeth out of nervousness, but his dad's words came back to him. (It's all right. Dad survived this, so i can survive it too.) He reassured himself.

The teacher smiled and gestured Antarctic to his seat. He sat beside the sandwing, who instanly started talking to him.  "Hi! My names Sandy. I am one of queen Thorn's consultants." Antarctic looked back and saw a nightwing, so scared and nervous that it chose the seat at the very corner, the one used to punish the misbehaving students. He walked up to him, slowly not to scare him, and said "hey!" The remark scared the little dragonet more than he got scared when his dad told the story of his life.




<><><>End of flashback<><><>

The dragonet edged closer to the corner, as it believed that he could magically disappear into the wall. Antarctic realized he could not go any closer, and stepped away, as the teacher called him.

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