Chapter 3

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“There you guys are,” Sam said, waving us down. Shelby slightly smiled and walked over to her cousins with Nat and Ashlee behind. Sam slightly blushed at the Sight of Ashlee and quickly moved around Micheal so he could walk next to her as the group  followed the sound of loud music.

“So how was your first day of work?” Sam asked. Ashlee shrugged and tried to slightly move away from Sam. Sam followed her.

“It was okay,” Nat and Shelby said at the same time.

The music got louder and Sam smiled and ran towards the stage that was playing live music. The trio busted out laughing as they saw the dude performing. The dude was buff and probaby waxed his entire body. He played the saxophone like a pro but the three couldn't help but laugh.

After a while the music got boring and Micheal went to chase after some girl. Sam sighed at the fact he just got ditched. “Let's go to the video store” Sam pulled Shelby forward as Nat followed and shouted: “Me and Ashy wll catch up later, met us at the comic book shop”

“Got it!” Shelby shouted back as Sam continued to pull. The two quietly walked into the video store and she immediately felt eyes on her. The owner, who was probably middle aged, stared at her as she walked to the record stand. “What are you looking for?” Sam asked.

Shelby continued to flip through the record without a sound. “Here it is,” Shelby smiled and showed Sam the Elvis Presley record she was looking for. She set down the record along with a guns ‘n’ roses and journey record.

As she continued to search the doorbell dinged as two familiar guys walked in, as they did Sam left to look for movies. Shelby sighed as she noticed it was the two blond vampires from the Chinese place she ignored their presents and continued to look. In the corner of her eye she saw the blond with the trench coat approach her. She ignored him and stared at the vinyls. “You have good taste in music” he spoke gruffly. Shelby slightly sighed and didn’t look at him.

“Hey, I didn’t catch your name back at the chinese place” he said as leaned against the counter that was next to her. “I didn’t get yours either,” Shelby replied. She tried to move away from him but he blocked her way. She sighed and stepped aside. He did the same blocking her way again. She sighed and looked up at his intimidating blue eyes. He tilted his head in amusement once she became speechless.

“What's your name, Doll?”

“What’s Your name?” she snapped back. He chuckled darkly. Shelby rolled her eyes as he stepped in front of her again. She sighed and crossed her arms.

“you could be a masked murder for all I know” he let out a dark laugh. “there's always that possibility... But life is pretty boring without a little danger” he moved closer to her, not leaving much room between the two. The two stared each other down seeing who'd break first.

She rolled her eyes and stuck her hand out. “I'm Shelby, you happy now?” he rolled his eyes.

“I'm David, now was that so hard?” he said with a smirk. “very” before any other words could be exchanged the owner was quick to bark at David at his friends and threw them out for some reason

“gotta go” he winked and walked away.

“see ya around David”


After Ashlee and Nat walked around looking for Shelby and her Cousin. The two joked around and made fun of Michael as they watched him run passed them still running after that girl.

“dumb ass” Nat laughed.

As they continued to walk the familor Motorcycle engines filled their ears. “oh here we go” Ashlee sighed and stopped as the motorcycle with the dark haired vampire shined his lights on her.

The two stopped as the three motorcycles went into park. The blond with the leather jacket winked at Nat. Nat blushed as the dark haired one smiled at Ashlee. “where you two headed?”

Ashlee was about to take him up on their offer of a ride when Nat stopped her. “we need to find Shelby, remember?”

“we'll help ya find her” the blond said with a smile. They were kinda shady but they had enough charm to get the two on the back of their bikes.

“I'm Paul by the way” the blond said as he help Nat on the back of his bike. “Nat..”

“I'm Dwayne and that's Marko” the dark haired one said as Ashlee climbed onto his bike. “I'm Ashlee” she replied. The three started their engines and sped away while on the other side of town Shelby was walking into the comic book store with Sam.

While Sam and Shelby walked around a pair of brothers stared them down. The one with the red bandana had a Rambo like aesthetic to him. He looked like an asshole ready to fight. The other one had a more calm vibe but he looked like he'd do just about anything his brother told him. And on that note they looked like they shared a brain cell.

“got a problem?” Shelby asked the one with the bandana. Sam looked up as the other brother came up next to him. The one with the Bandana was quick to insult the way Sam was dressed but Sam snapped back and the three were quick to start talking about comics. In that quick turn of events in such a small conversation the boys reviled themselves as Edgar and Alen Frog.

Sam was quick to brush off Shelby and tell her to find the others. Shelby rolled her eyes and she walked out of the building as a fight between a couple of serfer Nazis erupted. She was quickly to avoid it and walked towards the lights of the carnvel.

As she turned the corner the same damn motorcycle engine was heard. She sighed as David pulled up in front of her blocking her way. “care for a ride?” before she could awnser the rest of her trio and Michael walked up behind her. Michael gave David a death glare.

“some other time maybe” he smirked. He brushed his hand over her leather jacket and sped off. She turned around and was met with her friends and Michael.

“who was that?” Michael asked a little more agressevelly than he met too. “none of your business Mikey” she snapped back as she walked away with Ashlee and Nat.

“Ashlee got on the back of some stranger's bike tonight” Nat said trying change the subject. Shleby's eyes bugged out as Ashlee let out an exasperated sigh. “so did you!” she said pointing at Nat.

“now I'm concerned for the both of you” Shelby said zipping up her leather jacket to fight the cold.

“but he was hot” Ashlee said shrugging her shoulder. Nat shook their head agreeing with the statement.

Shelby rolled her eyes the three walked to Shelby's red truck. “yeah every single one of Ted bundy's victims probably thought that and look at them now”

Ashlee rolled her eyes as the keys were tossed to her. Shelby got in the passenger seat and and Nat took their usual spot in the back as Ashlee turned the car on.

“but those guys were cute though” nat said. Ashlee was quick to agree. Shelby will admit David was good looking but she would admit out loud just yet. There was something dangerous and oddly comforting about those boys.

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