Chapter 9

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“Shelby, what's going on?” Michael whispered to Shelby as the group walked down the pitch black Bridge. Shelby shrugged pretending she didn't know.

“David what's going on?” Shelby Joked. David looked behind his shoulder and smirked.

"Nat, Michael wants to know what's going on. What's going on?” Nat was balancing on the railing then jumped off.

“I don't know, Marco what's going on?” they asked.

Marko laughed and playfully pushed Paul. “I don't know. What's going on, Paul?”

“Wait a minute. Who wants to know?” Paul laughed runing around with Nat.

“Michael wants to know, Ashlee what's going on?” Dwayne said softly from the back where him and Ashlee walking in the back.

David stopped the in front of the group towards the middle of the bridge. Fog surrounded them making it hard to see the bottom. Michael watched his cousin jump on the railing behind Nat and David and balenced on it to look taller.

Michael silently looked around still confused. David stuffed his hands in his coat pockets and nodded to Marko and Ashlee. “guys, let's show Michael what's going on”

Marko chuckled and walked to the ledg. “good night Michael” he jumped off the ledg and Ashlee followed. Michael's eyes bugged out and quickly looked over to Shelby and Nat to see their reaction.

Paul and Nat were next. Both jumped off at the same time giggling. Shelby smiled and playfully flipped Michael off and fell backwards. “boom” she laughed and swan dived down.

Michael sped to the ledg and looked down once he couldn't see his cousin anywhere. David smiled and jumped off. He held on the ledg next Shelby who was hanging upside down. Michael finally joined the group hanging acrossed from David and Shelby.

“o-okay what now?” Michael asked looking at everyone nervous. The boys laughed as a train horn blared out and the bridge started to shake. Michael started to panic and grip tighter on the bar he was holding on to.

“Michael, your one of us now! Let go!” David shouted over the train. Michael didn't and screamed for his life.

“good bye Mikey!” Marko shouted and dropped first. Ashlee and Dwayne were next and they cheered as they landed on their feet at the bottom. Paul was next and he landed on the ground ready to catch Nat as they fell.

“see ya down there” Shelby smiled and dived down. She tuck and rolled at the bottom and cheered.

“come on Mikey we ain't got all night!” Shelby shouted as david landed next to her. “he isn't gonna let go!” David shouted up to Michael.

The boys laughed and started teasing Michael while the trio made chicken noises. Michael finally did let go and he dropped to the ground in fear.

As he shook in fear the boys encouraged him and padded his back. Michael took and deep breath and awkwardly smiled.


The next morning the pack(minus Michael) were hanging out in the cave. The peace was disturbed when Shelby's phone ragn.

“hello?” as soon as she held the phone to her ear David was leaning down close to her ear trying to listen on the conversation. She pushed him away with a chuckle as Aunt Lucy's voice spoke through the phone.

hey Shelby, how are you?”

Shelby sat up straight as she talked to her aunt. “I'm good what's up?”

She sighed into the phone. “I'm sorry to bug you but, do you mind looking after the boys tonight, I have a date”

Dispite her question Shelby smiled. “a date huh? Who's the lucky guy?”

Aunt Lucy smiled on the other end of the phone. “oh he owns the little video store down the street from where you work. His name is max” Shelby's eyes bugged out and looked at Nat and David.

“max, huh? Yeah I know him” Marko dropped his box of Capitan Crunch in surprise. David frowned and leaned down to hear the conversation.

“yes he's a real sweet guy, I can't wait for you and the boys to meet him” aunt Lucy spoke. Shelby awkwardly smiled and nodded trying not to freak out on the phone.

“he's really not” David whispered in her other ear. “I mean I'm an asshole too but, he makes me look like a Saint”

Shelby chuckled and pushed him away again.

“so will you hang out with the boys tonight? It'll really mean a lot to Sam... After all you three need to spend more time together” Lucy said.

Shelby nodded. “sure, I'd love too... I'll be there tonight” Aunt Lucy thanked her and hung up the phone. Shelby grunted and slumped into David's wheelchair.

“so that clucking bastard is trying to get into my Aunts pants now!?” Marko Awkwardly crunched on his cereal and walked over to Shelby offering her a snack.

“here have some Capitan Crunch, it'll make you feel better” Shelby sighed and took the box.

Then Shelby had a thought. “Paul, do you still have that wooden bat?” Paul nodded and sat down next to Nat.

“would you like some barbed wire too?” Marko cheekly smiled. Shelby raised en eyebrow. “you got some?”

He nodded and left to get the two items. Ashlee questioned her as she moved around the cave. “what are you doing?”

“making sure I have protection from Michal and Max” Ashlee just shook her head not surprised.

“well have fun tonight” Dwayne said sarcastically.

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