Chapter 11

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As daivd and Shelby walked back into the cave they saw Michael already in the Cave with Star. David felt nothing but rage as he ran towards Michael with his fangs out.

Shelby tried to pull him back not wanting to have yet another fight tonight. “daivd stop” she said but he ignored her.

“you got a lot of nerve showing up here after the crap you pulled!” he shouted and Michael was in the ground in seconds. Star shrieked and tried to stop them.

“what's all the commotion?” Paul asked running into the cave with Nat along with Ashlee and the other two boys. Star looked up and pointed at the two boys fighting.

“ain't you guys gonna stop it?” Marko shrugged and put his hands in his jean pockets. “no, I'm good”

Ashlee nodded pulling Dwayn's jacket closer to her chest. Paul nodded agreeing to let them fight it out as he sipped his sushi him and Nat got from the 7/11 on the way home.

Shelby rolled her eyes. “David.... David stop it!” she grabbed him by the collar of his coat and pulled him off of Michael. David fell backwards into Shelby's legs while Michael scurried away to Star.

“you keep your fucking distance man!” David shouted as Star pulled Michael into her little part of the cave.

Nat then turned to Shelby. “what the hell happened?” Shelby shrugged not wanting to cause more problems. Daivd, not giving a shit spoke up.

“Michael attacked her tonight” Ashlee and Nat chaced after Michael grabbing Shelby's barbed wired covered bat on the way.

Dwyane tried to grab Ashlee's arm but failed. “should we... Stop it or...” he asked. Paul shrugged and plopped down on the couch. “nah, I think they got it”

Marko slightly leaned over once he heard Michael's grunts and Star's screams to stop.

Shelby crossed her arms and sat down next to Marko. “you okay?” he's asked. Shelby nodded and looked over when Nat and Ashlee came back like nothing happened.

“well since that's over” nat said tossing the bat on the couch next to Shelby.

“so... Who wants Chinese?” Ashlee asked with a look of pride.

Star and Michael aprently left leaving Turing the cave back to its normal glory. David moved the bat to the ground and sat nest to Shelby a little closer than usual. Nat squinted there eyes at David.

“did something else happen tonight?”

“nope” Shelby said jumping up from the couch.


“we should have let the boys get the food” Shelby said as the trio walked down the street.

“nah, why back down from a battle we won?” Nat said refering to the lengthly argument the trio had with the boys on who was gonna get the food. The trio won obviously.

They laughed as the walked through the quiet streets. Once it got quiet it got extremely dark and unsettling. There was a sudden snap that made Ashlee jump.

“what was that?” she quickly looked around and the trio looked around and saw nothing.

“I knew we should have taken that damn bat” Nat mumbled as the trio started to walk shoulder to shoulder. They heard another snap making them jump.

Next thing they know Shelby was pushed to the ground and the other two were tackled. They started to scream for help but no one came. The unknown duo was quick to get the upper hand as they started spraying them with holy water filled super soakers.

They hissed in pain as the duo came out of the shadows. It was the frog Brothers. Edgar nodded to his brother and they tackled them again as they screamed for the boys or just anyone.

“shut her up!” Edgar shouted to Allen. Allen rolled his eyes and covered Ashlee's mouth. “go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep” he mummled over and over as he held the chloroform soaked handkerchief.

Nat growled and sunk there faings into Edgars arm. He hissed and held them down with one arm and knocked Shelby out with back of his Water gun.

Nat was the last one out and then everything went black.

~back at the cave...

“they should be back by now” Dwayne said coming out of his room noticing the trio haven't came back yet.

“I'm sure they're okay” Marko Said getting a bad feeling.

Daivd stood up from his wheelchair nodding. “no, Dwayne's right they should be back”

The boys shared concerned looks as they ran out of the cave starting they're serch.

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