Chapter 6

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The next morning the trio were still in the cave. Shelby woke up not realizing they've been there all night. She shivered at the low temperature of the cave and cuddled up to unknown chunk of fabric that was draped over her. It was David's over coat, but she was to grogy to realize that. Shelby sat up and looked around at the slightly lit cave. It was obviously daylight but the boys were no where in sight and it was so much quieter than it was the night before.

Shelby stretched and tried to wake up. She got up from the couch she was sleeping on and walked over to the rock where Nat was fast asleep on. Shelby carefully nudged Nat to try and wake them up. "dude wake up, we're late"

Nat groaned and rolled over. "for what?"

Shelby walked over to Ashlee and woke her up too. "we're late for work dudes" Shelby said. Ashlee shot up and looked around.

"where are the boys?" Shelby shrugged and put her leather jacket on. "probably asleep, it's day light"

Nat looked over at the entrance of the cave. "can we go out? We drank the blood... We're vampires now" Shelby walked over to the entrance slightly afraid she was gonna burst into flames.

"we're only half though" Ashlee said walking over to Shelby with Nat behind her. The trio shared looks. "so...who's first?" asheel asked.

"you do it" Shelby said to Nat. They Scoffed and turned to Shelby. "Ashlee said there was nothing to worry about... You go first ashy" Ashlee quickly shook her head.

"Shelby you go" Ashlee said slightly pushing Shelby. She shook her head no. Ashlee and Shelby shared looks and quickly pushed Nat into the sun. Now before anything else is said, the two would never actually do something to Nat like that. They new nothing would happen but they need someone to make the first move.

Nat yelped and flinched in the sun... Nothing happened. Nat slowly straighten themselves up and looked around. They looked up at the sun and nothing happened. Nat then turned to other two and held two thumbs up. "I'm not dead! It's okay"

Ashlee and shelby slowly walked out and looked around. Like Nat said, no burning and they were all fine. "well since thats over... We need to get to work" Shelby said and walked up to her motorcycle. She sighed as it still wouldn't turn on.

She sighed and got on the back of Ashlee's bike as she started it up. Nat slightly laughed. "what did you do to it?" Shelby shook her head angrily.

"let's just go to work" she replied.


"you three are late! Late I tell you!" the little old lady shouted as the trio walked into their work establishment.

"sorry ma'am" Shelby said putting on her apron and grabbed her notepad for orders. Nat followed and Ashlee took her spot in the kitchen.

As Shelby was taking someone's order Sam came running in like his ass was on fire. He ran to her in a panic. "Slow down Sammy" she then turned to the tabe she was serving. "I'm sorry I'll get your orders" she walked towards the counter and gave Ashlee the order while Sam followed. "there's something going on in this town! And some weird guy is taking my mom on a date!"

"well your mom deserves to get out and go on dates" Shelby said ignoring the first part of her cousin's statement. Because she and her friends were now part of that 'something' in this town. Sam scoffed.

"if you met the dude you'd wouldn't like him either" Sam continued to follow Shelby around as she refilled drinks at a couple of tables.

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