Chapter 4

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~the next day

After their night shift that the restaurant the trio sat outside of the building. Shelby was setting on her motorcycle while the other two sat on the curb. They sat there quietly and ate the leftover Chinese food the little old lady gave them as music played on the radio.

It wasn't too silent, the restaurant wasn't too far from the carnvel and board walk so there was always voices and laughter heard in the distance.

"you guys want to go to the carnvel?" Nat asked tossing the empty Chinese take out box away. Shelby and Ashlee nodded as they did the same with their boxes and started up their engines. The three drove side by side down the road to were the carnvel lights lit up the town.

As the drove they missed the fact they zoomed by four other motorcycles. David shot up and immediately started up his motorcycle. The other three boys whooped and hallered as they drove behind him. Shelby sighed and speed up. Nat and Ashlee immediately shot the boys smiles.

Shelby's stubbornness got the best of her and she drove faster. David smirked and caught up with her. The two were head to head untill Shelby did a sharp turn going on to the board walk. Nat and Ashlee followed and the three did a hard stop.

The stood there for less then 2 minutes before the four boys appeared. They took a sudden stop making Marko almost tilt over. Shelby panted trying to slow her heart rate down.

"we win suckers" she smirked at David. Looking at the fearless leader one would say he was seething with anger but really he he felt perfectly fine. Impressed actually, all of them were.

David gave a Shelby a 'well played' look and little a cigarette. He blew the smoke away from her as he got off the bike and approached her. Not feeling threatened she once again stood him up and got off her bike.

"here we go" Marko laughed as he looked over at Ashlee. Him and Dwayne both did after Marko nudged him. They looked like a pair of love sick puppies as they checked Ashlee out.

Paul winked at Nat once there groups of friends were occupied with one another. Paul found it quite comical with the bipolar approaches the pairs had with each other. While David and Shelby tried to out do each other Marko, Dwayne, and Ashlee just shyly stared at one another.

Paul was ready to reveal the secret Pull or another words connections the two groups had. But the four had to first: gane the trio's trust and also recruit them to the pack. Of course the four were clueless to the trio's knowledge and they had no idea that the Shelby was a full fledged witch.

David for the first time laughed. Amusement plastered acrossed his face. Shelby was probably a foot smaller than David, he could probably over power her vampire or not. He found it amusing and somewhat adorable that she fearlessly stood up to him.

"how about a rematch?" David said lighting another cigarette. "here to our place" David suggested. Shelby raised an eyebrow.

"sore loser, huh?" Shelby asked. From behind Paul signeled her to stop expecting his leader and best friend to lose it pretty soon. Shelby ignored it as Nat questioned Paul's actions.

As the two continued daring each other Marko and Paul made obnoxious arm movements to stop from behimd David. "that was kid stuff" David stated pointing to there bikes.

"prove you can handle hanging with the big dogs, the three of you maybe?" he said Turing to the other two. Shelby grabbed David's wrist and turned him back around. "no, just me and you... Unless you don't have the ball" Shelby smirked.

Her two buddies encouraged it while the three boys stood there shocked. No one spoke to David like that. Plane and simple. Ashlee smiled at Dwayne basically saying they were going down. Paul just shrugged at Nat, both of them not really caring.

David leaned down to Shelby's Hight with a evil smirk. "I'm sure I can handle it" he grabbed the lapel of her leather jacket and pulled her closer. "the big question is, are you tough enough for the challenge"

He let go of her and turned to marko. "boys, why don't you take your new friends and get some food" the boys cheered David on while Nat and Ashlee faithfully cheered for their best friend. The twos cheers were mixed with worry though.

Shelby and David got on their bikes and drove up to were Marko was standing. "alright! I want a good cleen race" Marko called out.

"no fowl play, no cycle bumping..." she zoned marko out as she looked over to David. She couldn't deni he was good looking. Of course he was, especially his eyes... That's not the point though.

Paul sighed as Marko made the race unnecessarily suspenseful. "get on with it!"

Marko sighed. "okay, okay" Marko held out his hands and the two reved their engens. Marko gave them the go and the two sped off.

Ashlee sighed as they sped off. "wait dose she now where she's going?" Nat's faced turned to a worried one.

"eh, they'll be fine" Marko shrugged and walked to his bike. "daivd wouldn't even dream of hurting her... Who wants Chinese"

Nat's eye browse knitted together. "no, we need to make sure she's okay" Nat stopped Paul from getting on his bike.

"it's fine, it's his natural instinct to keep her safe" Paul joked. Dwayne eyes widened as Paul let out half of the secret. "shut up Pauly!" Marko whispered shouted. Ashlee frowed at Marko.

"no, what did he mean?" Marko let out a whistle and looked everywhere except Ashlee. "nothing" he tried to get on his bike but Ashlee grabbed the collar of his jacket stopping him.

"TELL US" Marko sighed and put his hands up in serender. "okay, okay! We're vampires okay!" Nat rolled their eyes.

"yeah, no shit" paul looked at the two surprised.

"you know?" Paul asked Nat. Nat shrugged. "we call it Shelby's witch tick, she knew as soon as you came onto the restaurant"

"now..." Ashlee said calmly. "WHERE IS HE GOING WITH HER!" Ashlee then growled out the last part as she kept the grip on Marko's collar. Dwayne smirked at the fire Ashlee had.

"David and Shelby are vampire soulmates! Same with Nat and Paul!" Ashlee let go of Marko's collar in surprise. "same with you, me, and Dwayne"

"we we're supposed to recruit you guys after max found out" Dwayne added. "max? Who's max?" Ashlee asked.

"the creep That owns the video store" Nat said. "I think Shelby said he's trying to date aunt Lucy too." Nat added.

Paul shrugged at looked at Nat. "Shelby's fine, David may be an ass hole but she's safe"

"let's get some food and we'll go home, knowing them they're probably over there by now" Marko said getting on his bike. Ashlee and Nat stood there quietly prossesing what's happened.

"you two coming or what?" Dwayne asked. "yeah you didn't have a problem getting on our bikes the other night" Marko smirked. Nat shrugged knowing the only way they were gonna fine the rest of their trio was with the vamps. Nat claimed onto Paul's bike and Ashlee got on Dwaynes.

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