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✱ Matthew

Why isn't she dropping her pants for me? I mean I'm Matthew Espinosa. Every girl would love to fuck me. Wait why is this bothering me so much? She's new. Once she realizes who I am then she won't be able to resist me.

I shake the negative thoughts I sit down next to Nash. All the guys are at my house. Well, expect for Hayes because he's with Gianna. Not a surprise, they actually have a thing. Gross.

Anyway its one of our usual nights of drinking and if we are lucky, getting laid. Even though both are tempting, I cant think straight. I sneak up to my room. I needed to be by myself for once. Why can't I get this damn girl off my mind? I mean she is super hot but I don't see why this specific girl is racing through my thoughts. Maybe its because she rejected me? Makes her more of a challenge?

I run my hand through my hair as a way to relieve frustration. I walk over to my window, my eyes staring outside for answers. Not long after staring out the window does my answer appear outside running on the pavement. Its Desiree. She is running, looking bomb as fuck may I add. I run out of my house as fast as I can. Damn, this girl is fast. I scream her name, tying to catch up but she couldn't hear me because of her headphones. I sneak up behind her and grabbed her waist. She screams but my hand covers her mouth. The next thing I know I feel a pinch and then instant throbbing in my hand.

"OUCH! DID YOU JUST BITE ME?" I yell holding my hand.

"What is wrong with you?! You can't grab a girl like that" She said sticking her hip out.

"What wrong with me? What about you? You keep walking away from me. No one walks away from me."

"Sorry Matthew but I'm going to walk away now." She winks and runs on.

We will see Desiree. You wont be able to walk away form me soon.

The rain starts to fall and I sigh and walk back to my house. I was soaking wet by the time I reached my house. I go upstairs and change into a hoodie and some Nike joggers. As I come back downstairs, I find Hayes and Gianna sitting on the couch. Hayes' arm wrapped around Gianna's shoulders. I roll my eyes and join them on the couch.

"Hand me that" I said to Aaron pointing to a bottle of beer. He hands it to me and I immediately chugged the whole thing. The cold liquid goes down my throat. My mind buzzes as I take another one, and another one and another one until it is all a blur.


"Gianna!" I called. She walked over to me. Hayes eyes on us. I

"Your friends with Desiree?" She nodded looking at me confused

"Well can I have her number? I think I really like her."

"Matthew your drunk"

"No I'm serious" I hiccuped and pulled out her phone. She dialed a number and walked over to the kitchen. I laughed at nothing. My thoughts were all over the place. I couldn't think straight.

Gianna came back in the room. She looked at me with annoyance.

"She said she doesn't want to give it to you"

"WHY!" I screamed causing everyone eyes to look at me.

"Matt calm down" Hayes said now at Gianna side.

"I'm calm" my hand dragged through the my hair. Frustration flooded me.

"I'll show her." I walked into the house.

Love or Lust *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now