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✧ Desiree

Matt and I have been getting closer and closer ever since that party. We really confessed to each other and it made our bond stronger and I love it. I think we will work out, as a relationship.

(or so she thought)

Right now, I was heading to Matt's house because we are going "out" which is all he told me. He told me to come over at 10:00 pm but I'm leaving now at 9:45 pm so that we can hangout before.

I slipped on my converse as I jumped into the car and headed to Matt's house. my speakers blared through the car as my window was rolled down. the cool breeze flowing through my hair. I pulled into the driveway checking my appearance once again before walking up to the door.

I knock and wait a minute or two. there was no answer. i knock again and no answer. I slowly reach for the handle and open the door. I regret the desicion. As soon as I opened the door, i heard a moan come from a girl.

I didn't know what to do at this point. Sadness Angry and so many emotions flowed my body. I slammed the door hard and stomped to my car. The front door opened to a shirtless Matt. His eyes widen as he ran towards my car but I backed out of the driveway and sped down the street. I pressed on the gas not caring anymore at this point.

I was speeding through the streets to go to my boxing class once again because of Matt. I saw an old looking building and couldn't wait. I turned sharply into the driveway. I got out of the car slamming the door and walking into the church. I walked back and forth. my fists clenched shut by my sides as I took each step. I paced around the whole place, just trying to calm down but I couldn't and I did what I had to do.

My fist slammed into a near by window. I screamed and it's not just because of the pain. I sat down on the ground clenching my bloody hand. I screamed again trying to let my anger out. Nothing worked.

I reached into my back pocket and grabbed my phone. I typed the familiar number and put the phone to my ear. I waited for the rings until the familiar voice filled my ears.

"hey desi"

"please come to the old church on bell st (idk random name)"

"yeah yeah, are you okay?"

"yeah just hurry and bring a first aid kit"

"Desiree! what's happened!"

"just hurry" I said and hung up the phone. I leaned my head back onto the wall and just shut my eyes. Holding my wounded hand waiting for Ryder. (Ryder's back!!!)


My eyes opened to footsteps running towards me. His soft eyes staring into mine brought a smile to my face.

"cupcake, what happened" he said sitting down next to me. he caressed my cheek wiping my tear stains.

"Matt"  he clenched his jaw.

"I knew he would hurt you, I'm going to go-"

"Ryder, please just stay here" I said. He relaxed his shoulders and nodded. He grabbed my hand. I winced in pain.


"umm" I said pointing over to the broken window. he sighed as he reached beside him. a first aid kit. he reached into the red box and pulled out a spray and some gauze.
he sprayed the cuts and wrapped my hand before placing a kiss on my hand.

I smiled as I leaned my head on his shoulder. His head laid onto of mine as we sat there quietly in the church. Thoughts of tonight flowed to mind.

I can't believe he would do that to me. Well actually I could, but why would he do that right before a date, right after we got closer and closer. to think I was getting closer with him. i thought "oh maybe he has changed and will love me like he did that one girl". I'm so dumb and naive.

Tears started streaming down my face as Ryder's arms wrapped around me tighter.

"your not dumb or naive, this is how Matt is and he made you fall for his trap. it's not your fault it's his. it's his lose, he lost a beautiful amazing girl" must have spoken out loud but I smiled up at Ryder. He's my best friend and he's all I could ever want in a bestfriend.

"the thing is he told me he loved me and I knew he meant it because of the look in his eyes because he looked at this one girl like that but that's a long story. I don't know why I could believe it but I did because I fell for him" more tears stained my face. Ryder brought his fingers to my face and wiped my cheeks. he stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me to my car.

"keys?" he asked. I reached in my pocket and gave him the keys. he stuck them in the ignition and drove off.


Dally's Ice cream corner is open 24/7 in the summer so that's exactly where he took me. When we were in 7th-8th grade and I came down here for the summers, we would come here and get the same thing everytime. A chocolate-vanilla twist cone for him and a mint chocolate chip cup for me.

"One chocolate-vanilla twist cone and a mint chocolate chip cup" the lady nodded and went to fill our orders.

"never changed" I smiled and so did he. the lady behind the counter brought our orders and Ryder gave her the money. we sat in our normal table. we sat and talked for what seemed like hours. God, how I missed my best friend.

we headed back to my place. on the way to my house we drove down Matt's street. I took this to my advantage and rolled open the sunroof.

"MATTHEW ESPINOSA GO FUCK YOURSELF" I screamed and threw my ice cream cup at his window. The green ice cream splattered all over the window.
i could hear Ryder cracking up and I lifted my hands in triumph.

Fuck with Desiree, you get a bitch side of Desiree.

I kept my head out the sunroof. My hair flowing behind my head as the wind flowed through it. The cold air sending chills up my body, giving me a rush. I closed my eyes enjoying every moment.

"Desi, get your ass back down here before a cop pulls me over" i laughed and crawled back into the car.


we arrived to my house. I got out the my big red truck and slammed the door. the keys fumbled around until I found the gold house key. I stuck it into the key hole and listened for the click that unlocked the door. the door cracked open. we walked in and found my mom crashed on the couch. I laughed and we both kissed her forehead and covered her body up. we tiptoed up the stairs into my room.

my room was big with royal blue walls. it had a window area where I sat and made fun of people when I was bored. It had a queen sized bed with a big white comforter and some throw pillows. I had a dresser, a desk, and a walk in closet. There was also a bathroom that was connected. Pictures covered the walls. I loved it.

Ryder sat down on my bed and picked up my journal. I quickly ran over and grabbed it out of his hand and brought it to my chest.

"still can't read it" I said and walked over to my desk and set it down. I then walked over to my dresser and grabbed my softee shorts and tanktop. I then grabbed a pair of his basketball shorts and threw it at him.
he smiled and walked into the bathroom. I quickly changed before he came out. he smiled at me with a stupid grin. I laughed and pushed past him to brush my teeth.

I came back out and see him cuddled up in my bed. I laughed and jumped on the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I placed my hand on his bare torso. I reached for my phone and held my phone up. I took a picture of us snuggled up. The Instagram app popped up and I put a black and white filter on it and the caption
"missed him💘 @ryderbeck". I tagged his Instagram and posted him. I clicked the off button and placed my phone on the charger.
I snuggled into his chest and feel into a deep sleep.

I love Ryder and Desiree relationship. But yeah plot twist for 1k reads (; (I'll fix the format later)

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