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"Do it in here" Elias's voice is deep and demanding.

"What! No! Gross!" I say aloud, commenting back. "I'm not putting a tampon in my vagina in the car, Elias!"

He's leaning into the car, one arm propped up on the roof, the other gripping onto the car door. He's biting his bottom lip, anger seeping through his skin.

He moves his hand off the car door, grabbing the tampon out of my hand, then lifting his whole body weight off the car to unwrap the tampon.

"Elias! No!" I yell back.

He watts me to put the tampon inside me, in the damn car.

Absolutely not.

"What if I get it all over the car, Elias?" I yell at him in the empty mall car park.

"Then I'll buy another one" he murmurs back, throwing the wrapper into the tampon box filled with the other tampons.

"Now put it in" he aggressively demands, once again.

"No! I can go to the restroom, Elias. It's more hygienic and better for me." I answer back, not accepting his demands.

He may be my husband now, but I sure as hell don't like him enough to listen to him.

"Fine. Ok" he nods his head, lips now bleeding from the depth his teeth went into them.

I sigh heavily, aloud, "thank you. Now move I have to get to the restroom-

Elias strides on top of me, half his body on me, half out the car. He opens my legs apart begging to pull at his boxers, down my legs.

"Elias" I whisper.

I don't beg, or push him off of me. The problem is... is that I let him take control and do this. As much as it grosses the hell out of me... I let him.

He begins to now pull at my navy blue, lace thongs. My thongs and his boxer both trapping me, almost like a lock from escaping.

He stops for a moment, looking down at me, examining me. I drop my head back, looking up at the roof of the car.

I sigh heavily, almost a moan, then look back at Elias who's staring straight at me.

"Don't do that to me, princess" he murmurs seductively.

He looks back down and inserts to the tampon into me, pulling out the plastic tube once inserted .

He throws the tube into the box, pulling at my things and his boxers once again, wrapping them tightly up my body.

I keep my legs apart, staring straight into his eyes, as he does the same to me. We hold a stare for a long, silent moment.

He leans in closer, his body between my legs. Our breathes being the only thing separating us.

He reaches over to the passenger side, grabbing his card.

"Let's go" he says firmly, stepping out the car and holding out his hand for me to exit with him.

I start at him for longer now, my legs still parted. He laughs at my stance and grabs my hand, pulling me out.

Once I've stepped out, he closes the door behind him, looking back at me.

"You just put a tampon in me and expect me to now go shopping?" I number annoyingly, loud enough for only him to hear. Not that's there's anyone else here.

"Oh, princess. We both know you let me" he says, turning around and walking towards the escalator that leads up to the mall.

I stand still, shocked by everything that just happened in these five minutes being here so far.

I follow after him, walking besides him as we walk (not stand) on the escalator.

"Has anyone ever told you, you lack patience incredibly?" I ask, out of breathe by his fast movements.

"They're too slow for me. And besides" he turns to look at me, eyes connecting, bodies slightly touching.

"Has anyone ever told you, that you lack a sex drive?"




Yes! What the fuck!

"You drive me insane, Mer. And you just had to be so god damn difficult just then, didn't you? Now that's the only thing on my mind. Your wet pussy, rubbing against my dick and making me harder than I've ever been."

My breathes begin to grow heavy, my heart beating quickly.

He turns and begins to walk straight into Zara. I follow after him, practically running and watch as he grabs a basket, walking over to the bras and thongs section and grabbing one of which are practically see through, and highly seductive looking.

"I've got your point, Elias. But seriously! Things and bra? I'm not going to a strip club, Elias" I speak sarcastically.

"You sure as hell are not. I'm the only man who'll ever get to see that body of yours and that makes me crazy, Mer. Fucking. Crazy."

After throwing ten pairs of each, he begins to walk to the corset isle, grabbing four which are lace split hem corsets.

Of course.

"Can I at least not pick something that I want? Nothing here you've picked so far is what I'd wear-

"Your thongs just then said otherwise. And I think we can both agree you need a change up in clothing styles" he annoyingly says.

He's right but that's was rude.

I think.

"To what? Someone who shows off every inch of their body? What happened to you being the only one who saw it?" He turns to face me, after finally throwing in something normal, as in an oversized white t-shirt.

"Princess, these clothes are for me and you only. Ones like these" he says pulling out the shirt, "are for everyone else" he throws it back inside.

"I'll let you buy what everyone else sees. I'll have the pleasure to know what you wear for just us."

I sigh, letting him win me over. "Fine. Don't you need my sizes" I ask.

"I can take a guess" he says, turning his back to me and looking at all the other clothes.

I turn around, grabbing another basket and walking towards the pants section. I grab at five, all of which have rips in them and are baggy.

My style. My choice. Besides... from what I can see on the other side or the store.

Elias has so far grabbed every possible sexual looking clothing there is in the store so far.

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